Monday, August 23, 2010

a pillar of salt

looking forwards ...

just a short note .. the other piece is sitting somewhere half completed

not wanting to stand still for to long to glimpse back into the past and the things we will miss .. because you know what they say... look back and you will turn into a pillar of salt .. which in most peoples cases would not really be a problem. but where i am going it rains so much i would then just be reduced to puddle of salty tears. Sad but true, maybe even cruel to those left behind, but that is just the way the moss gets flung of the stone rolling down the hill of life .. nothing we can control ..

so much to think about, so much to do.

Looking backwards at a life, looking forwards towards a new life.

As we stood there standing staring at an empty house, worse even looking at its contents quickly trickling out, actually pouring out of the front door in the neatly packaged holders, obscuring the life that was smeared over the exterior of the items, moving back a flash pets leaving, and further back signing a piece of paper, further back, a young couple moves into a dust bowl of a garden with a house full of promise. We look back, the moments have passed. We cherish them, yet at this juncture we have to look forwards, casting our memories into a place that we will hold dear but not weigh us down like mill stones. We stand looking forward towards the unknown.
It may be best this way, we stand like pioneers moving towards the promised land, the place where the grass is greener. There are always reasons for the green grass, the rain, the sheep, the cows.. we will have to see if the valley is all so green.

it comes back to ever present question in our minds about what defines who we are...  what would you do when you get another chance to re create your life. what do you do when faced with the reality that everything will be the same, yet totally different.  we stand on the brink of a new beginning once again.

It is up to us..

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