Friday, August 27, 2010

meaning and existence part 42

so often i carry on about the same things like a giant spiral in a spiderweb..

in the same vain i look around me and notice the patterns in people like ripples in a pond after a stone has been cast into a clear lake .. OMG .. yes that is painful .. But the point is there ..

i watch and notice how much of our existence is made up of what we don't do and (not not me this time .. this is the general we as the populace). how much of our existence is made up of the the things we complain about not being able to change or alter or things that are thorns in our side. But without fail these are our existence and the basis of our existence. to change from this form of living is nearly impossible as I look and see people who are much older who cannot change what they do, but rather complain about what they cannot change as it is easier to complain than to do. and at a young age it is a pattern that emerges and gives meaning to most of us. the pattern of negative re-enforcement rather than positive feedback. yes positive feedback is dangerous as it can spiral so easily into something that is wildly different from the starting point.... But rather ride the spiral outwards than inwards.. Geez I must stop reading the DalaiLama tweets :)
but seriously we so often get pulled in the web we create to protect ourselves from existence and no longer see life and just protect ourselves from existence. In the end not achieving anything other than not achieving what we dont want.
dont get me wrong i am not a Full proponent of nihilism or Calvinism or determinism or one of those other isms.. But we can fall prey to the whirlpool web we create for ourselves. and the solution? find a bigger spiral or jump from spiral to spiral :-)

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