Thursday, October 30, 2008

a new day another ramble

so whats new today, I listened to an amazing clip where matt damon is interviewed about sarah palin being the vp.. and followed up with a few clips on you tube .. insane .. the american system this woman is insane :-) go check it out .. it really puts it into perspective

but on a more serious note .. what would it be if it wasn't a slightly bit serious .. love that language .. been here in the moot for far to long...

but it brings me to social consciousness ... no not the Pc version thereof :-)

but how we are aware of the social environment we live in and how we perceive it. We often cast a blind eye around us not really noticing the social emphasis of the society around us .. or at times we really emphasize it :-) How is it is we can revel in the social displacement we exist in.. are we ever in a place where we can be ourselves? what do i mean by this? How many of us actually exist in a space that we can honestly call our own space.. or do we fake it more than we live it? how many of us can truly test to being able to say that we are in place where we can call home or in a social environment without constraints without guard and without any counting of our sentences?or would that be words. Mostly we are bound by societies conventions and norms, even for those who live on the fringe..

brings me back to a friend of ours who has a tattoo on her chin .. how do you explain to his to children when they ask? not us but her .. she had a most apt description of why she tattooed a line down her chin.. explaining that this was drawing a line in her life .. moving forward from where she was before .. that this line.. her father calls her sop streep is something that reminds her of a choice she made to turn things around. how many of us get a chance yet take it to turn a new leaf draw a line int eh sand and make a move make a choice and start a fresh? brings me to other people I know .. yea the innocent shal remain unnamed .. well they may not always be innocent who cannot make that transition into a new life. me included? what is it that binds us to that which we know? after reading the book by the dude who rode around Africa on a bicycle .. damn that was difficult to spell ss.. he gives new meaning to being driven and principled.. he went around Africa on notion that he should to prove a point .. what I am not to sure about.. but he did it and did not pay one bribe through almost 2 years of travel through africa .. the bribe continent .. even turning around and turning back from a border post to not go through cos they wanted a bribe... takes some guts.. or in some others language stupidity.. how do we equate idealism and honesty with reality or pragmatism ? that is a difficult question? can we allways b accountable for the choices we make.. or are we bound by circumstance .. there are many of you who have gone through situations .. i know cos i have.. where our idealism and integrity get challenged.. what is the base of our descision, and can we allways be sue of thr outcomes of what happen due to the decisions that are made in those situations. not that i am casting a stone in anyones direction with a log in my own eye :-) but rather only as a social observance .

enough of this crap arbitrary nothingness being rambled on above.. where do we stand the world is turning once again.. making some form of recovery from the pits of desperation a week ago?

saw an amazing blog/ site yesterday .. not so much for the content.. but rather for the name of the blog .. it is called the velveteen rabbi .. awesome name for a blog ... for real classic blogging go and look at my inspiration ... the ..seriously cool dude that .. nice way of weaving reality of daily situations with fishing and life .. and then just for goodness sake he wraps the Torah and Judaism into it .. without pretense or effort .. truly talented dude that...

back to social networking .. I have now noticed a really interesting phenomena on face book recently where the emphasis has moved from the trivial to a fair reflection of humanity .. on more than a number of occasions .. both sincere and sarcastically this tools enables those without social ability and those with to be able to empathise with those around them.. the status of a member seems to hold some significance and seems to be a gateway to discourse .. would never have imagined this electronic media would actually be a form of social interaction and actually become a substitute reality that as meaning and that most of us subscribe to.

In this world of impersonalization of the humanity and lack of human touch this appears to have become a real substitute to human communication... maybe a touch harsh to say that this has replaced communication .. or a tad rediculous .. but it does seem to actually have value .. even for me..

so where to now in the space of nothingness..

not sure we have the answer to that .. but suppose we will get there ..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

an explanation

I may have to clear up some conceptions or misconceptions on what this blog is about. I may have created some misconceptions regarding the content and tone of the dark recesses of my mind. In an attempt to remain truthful and honest i may have strayed from the eclectic and delved in the deep recesses of ecocomentary which was never my aim, i dont think it would be prudent to remove thsoe posts but ot rather work around those to set an upper and lower bound the arbitray crap that spues from my keyboard.. And note that often the typos are casued by rapid typing and thinking, which precedes the other in certain cases the one then the other... but i feel that I would rather edit as little as possible and keep it as a stream from my mind rather than a composition of note, something that stems from the fingers not the conscious effort to capture the details of my thoughts ina coherent and structured manner, who of us thinks and lives in acoherent manner, there may be a couple of us who are a little retentive.. but not in the case of the stream of my consciousness which will inevitably ramble along a path of directionalness, yes and i am sure that is not really a word.. but often what i am writing is not about the words, but rather the sense of my expererience, as if i was telling you what i was thinking, not trying to create a conclusive argument for or against something that has crossed my mind .. and take that in both senses of the loose meaning of that word.. and yes the pages will be filled with corn and cheese as the weak and it-lectual I am... Nothing is as weak as an IT geeks jokes .. But we all have our crossses to bear .. and yes there is a comments facility on this blog .. and yes you will not be berated by me at least for slating or beatifying what I have to say and you do not have to log in and can put in anonymous comments and yes you can distibute and send this blogon as whatever you percieve it to be to thsoe you want to get or give comment to. This is a reflection of society , science, nature, people, cultures and everyday life as I perceive it in the rare moments that I can put electronic ink to paper and cement theose fleeting moments in my brain to yet another electical manifestation of the neural pathways rushing through my brain in either a lucid or wine imbibed scenario as the day takes itself and at times i will rant like a slaughted pig and scream to the rooftops and shout in anger and dismay at what i have seen throughout that day or my life and at other times the lightness will float like perfect loaf of bread.. why we should bind our minds to the rigour and preconception of our environments when we have a world within worlds within words within ourselves bursting at the seams. i do digress more often than not .. but that was never my aim, originally i perceived about the twists and turns of kneeding bread, but things change as do our minds, what is a mind if you cannot change it, what is a mind if you cannot think it, what is a mind if you cannot dream it.. and at times i will the pages with hallmarkesk garbage at those moments when words have some kind of emotianal meaning in their form and expression and at other times they will be blunt and filled with simple rage and sadness. but I will hope that you will stand throught this and experience life through my eyes however insanly different it may be to yours or in certain cases you may find some resinence in what i have to say.. most probably more often than not by some accident of my own. my ramblings are not aimed at anyone and yet at everyone... If we can touch those around us with our lvies i think we will have a better moment within a moment within a day within our life within your life, we tend to be judgemental and bound to the constraints of our own existance and that which the media and society prescribes apon us not that in any case these are bad things but is there a measure of guidance through this maize of life wheat just doesn twork in the same way or in other ways it is much better in binding things together. enough said i hope

on a happier note

After some serious beratement from one of my readers I suppose the tone of my blog has somewhat diverged from the obviously eclectic view on life bread making religion and rambling or wandering through the maize of life. I suppose I did get somewhat caught up in the topical, which i suppose has little value other than magnifying what we all feel


to say where to now, we cannot say what si the next loaf, where will it come from. Breading our way through life, we kneed and kneed or should it be need some meaning in life?
or is that we need some remaining in life, I suppose bread or dough is a good place to start but suppose the yeasty kind. The other is only the one that confounds us.
I have been contemplating what next?
and I suppose some grammar ..

yes for the other reader that complained about the grammer .. I will attempt to capitalise and add in a little grammer to make the streaming of babble a little more coherent..

but the cheese and corn will never leave that we can be certain off.

it seems like stream of consciousness is not for everyone, the cyberpunk seems to have left a whole lot of us. but Is suppose many of us never got it in our flight through the generation we all called x even though many of preceded or came after it, the chances being that most of the readers would have preceded it by more than a few hours :-) suppose we mostly fit somwhere inbetween the yuppies and whatever else they call us.

suppose the next plan is another egg and milk loaf, but the search is on for a recipe ..

to the more eclectic notion of existence, I feel a stirring towards that which could best be contrived as some form of spiritual longing, this could be some form of sub conscious effort to find some meaning in the chaos and randomness in our daily life. I doubt there are many of us who do not go through this thought a number of times a day, dont confuse what i am saying with some form of organized or disorganized religion. It is rather the notion that a part of our brain requires an unanswerable enigma to base our daily existence on.

I mostly wonder how bread making came into existence, the gue that binds cultures together through history, appologies if this is a repition of somethign that has past before us. But honestly have you not ever wondered why people discovered how to make certain foods, where the base ites came from, I think there may only be very few of the archeologically or hsitorical relics left in the bread world as we know it. a friend of ours once told me of his visit to ethiopia .. damn that was a difficult word.. about some bread that they bake in the sun.. pretty tough and wild.

In this time of darkness i do suppose there is hope even though we wander through the shadow of the economic valley of desolation...
This brought me to somethings i was questioning a little while ago, mostly pertaining to the quality of life and the measurement thereof? I wonder how we can msot effectivly measure the quality of our lives as we live it, is it the quality of our wealth, the measurement of our frienships or relationships with those around us, is it the interactions we have in the maize of humanity or should I rather say the un known humanity, is it the taste of the first cup off coffee in the morning, is it the smell of freshly baking bread, the taste of the bread, the simple things the taste of bread with balsamic vinager, with olive oil, natural olives bulging with the taste of the sun, dust a taste of history. have you ever wondered how on earth people came to start eating olvies that is something close to the twilight zone for all of those wo have ever tasted a raw olive. a food so filled with history and heritage. Is it the smell of fresh basil, the red of a simple tomatoe paste, the tang of the sauce. Is it in the moment of the wine slowly dying on the vine capturing the sun the dust the salt the sugar into something sublime brining us closer to the earth we are so much part of. somthing as perfect as a grilled chicken, the taste of a simple roti, the exotic taste of sushi. do you ever ask your self the question on the value of your days interactions, I must admit i have learnt more and more to appreciate the moments of interactions with those arround us. Sometime ago i heard something that in some ways resonated very well with me, not that it is something that I could partake in but it still touched me. many or some of the more primitive cultures gave blessing and gratitude for the life thay were consuming, I dont believe that this should be confused with saying grace or blessigns for food, this is a subtely more integral part of their daily existence, something done with the origin and relationship these people shared with the items they took in as food. I think sometimes we forget to appreciate that which is laid down before us,
in this mad rush of an existance we call culture we often look past the simple graces we receive, I think it would be best to leave it there else i may sprout a tirade of intenseness :-) that would not be appreciated by all the readers of this blob ..

But i suppose at best we shold look at things at their face value, attempt to see the best in people to apprecuate the bread laid down our plate, the simple items that make our life enjoyable. Is it the seconds and minutes we should cherrish or not? simple moments are what make up our day.

On a tangential thought when is art art, when is food art?

Is their beauty in food is there art in food, in the same way is there art in the lines painted on the raod, is this all not a question of perspective and perception.
Is wine an art form, for some it amy appear that the appreciation is an art form :-) for others the wine is the art form.

why is it that the perpetual hamsterization of lives drives into a place where we cannot accept the minor highpoints of our day, yes that is an oxymoron I do admit that. But what weight does the taste of the first sip of coffee have in your day, one would hope that you are appreciating the aroma, the taste and the texture of the nectar of the ethiopians ... damn those ethiopians keep popping up .. next it will be the albanians .. now there is a race? but to become more eclectic, can we measure our day based on these micro moments of joy as apposed to the mad rat race we live in. the wonder of the snurise for the few moments we let our eyes slip away from the wheel driving to work at the crack of dawn, the wonders of mist and haze the sunlight breaking through and painting pictures in front of our eyes.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

age in chaos and human existance stochasticy

where to start

are we in the end of days? Have we been there before..
a lot of what i purporting to be thing i have thought about are merely thing i have read and combined.

most stanislav velikofsky
excuse my spelling cannot really remember how to spell this ;-)

but quite simply our human race is really stretching at the seams, how much further can we go as we are? Have not been throught his before numerous times.. Apparently us as humans have dwindled to a handful at certain times in our history. not that i am that much of a reductionist but this is what the genetasists tell me? Who knows if this is the truth or not, but there is a lot we do not know about our history, why civilizations (sic!) crumbled and collapsed and gre from nothing like the phoenix after the fire, stop me if I wax to lyrical bout the cataclysmic and the collapse of societies through time past.

But it is rather harrowing to look at biblical tales of the end of days, fire brimstone, earthquake and mayhem ..

but have we not brought all fo this on our selves. This global warming thing we cannot decide about? is it us or is it just a cycle, are we going to warm up or are going to freeze?

mass extinctions are nothing new, us as humans have exterminated more than a number of animals through our history and pre-history. there is apparent evidence of many large slow mammals being wiped out by early man. are we not just follwing the path of our predessors in a very effective and efficietn way..

you may ask more emphatically what the hell this has to do about making bread or fly fishing, well it streams through them, or in fact not really, but totally?

having returned from a drought striken region in one of the arid parts of our country it shows how us as humans have un learnt the ability to be in touch with our plannet, ourselves and the people around us, a sweeping statement i agree ! but is that not the tone of the ramblings on the flavour of life. why is it that Humans have lost the ability to engage with the basal surrounds we exist in, why we have to have dominion over beast of the air, the land and the sea? not sure where i heard that piece (??) who lnows, what is it that is implied by dominion, does it imply destuction taiming beyond the point of submission but rather he ensalving of the environment ithout little concern for the future let alone the past, disregarding that hindsight is something int he lines of 20 20 vision, we as humans seem not to be able to view any thing importnt with any sense of objectivity? rather a cynical subjectivity we call praticality?

we seem to have a lost a lot since the evolutionary split from the monkeys.. not really having learnt any real lessons
. this may be harsh thing to say, but reality bites.. geez this corn is big as a field in kansas or Oz ..
somehow there seems to be more order in their chaos,
I was looking at the stock market trends over the lst while and have noticed somthig really ominous .. this looks insanely like trends i saw while looking at ecological models of disturbed ecosystems. first a small wobble getting bigger with earch cycle, better then worse then submitting eventually into a wild stochastic trend often resulting in soemthing very new and different, note the lack of possitive or negative commentry.. dont think it is warented. stochstic systems tend not to be trendable, especially systems which are sentiment driven, are we driving our selves into the unknown...
more and more this brings us back to feedback loops, especially positive feedback loops with no negative feedback..
look back at the monkey, look at the lowly grasshopper all of them have negative feedback loops,
we jsut seem to just keep patching the holes in the leaking dyke.. not noticing that we should never have built a damn dyke in the first place..
all this is just depressing me.

on a lighter note, a moment of clarity struck me, well dont they to all of us, in our humble and grandious way, after unfortionate news from near and far I realize will a little sadness thaty this life we have is but all we have, and that impact we have is as much as we give take and get. how to magnify, simplify condence and distill is up to all of us.
but i suppose for US as human beings, we seem to have lost some of the more advanced biological trends and seem to have lost all altruisim baring reciprical altruisim and have turned back a notch or three in my esteem of biological beings.
but that does not mean we should not strive to move forward and change what we can accept what we cant dont accept what we should not.. say what we mean, do what is true is our hearts and seek out what is true.
If This seems like a bunch of ol horse crap.. then it most probably is and maybe the Secret is a better option.

I fear I ahve digressed what i intended to say a moment ago,
live your life true, live it straight, live with the all in context
have understanding and hope
have clarity
have retorspect, be swayed not by sentiment, but rather your heart ..

geez this is soundign like something from a hallmark card to me .. cant take any of this rseriously at all/..

heard soemthign really interesting about the pygmies in central africa, there seems to be a race to look up to :-)
no serriously, they seem to be one of the few race left which still has some conneciton this plannet we call home, them and a few others.

so you may ask what point am i trying to make?
I am not really sure yet this is in fact only ramblings on the flavour of life in the end.

dunno but I think an internal rebuttal is definitely in line here .. no one including my self shoudl really accept such unstructured ramblings, with little or no point or context ..

till another day in the captains log

Saturday, October 11, 2008

general rant on the state of the planent

It had to come at some time or the other my eternal ranting about the way people live on this planet..

Not that there is all that much that I can msuter to do all that much about it .. or is there? I dont really know .. maybe i think to much about it?

where to start with the injustice of the way humans live..?

Think the current peve i have is that we live in a culture now in thiscentury where we live with a financial system that is sentiment rather than value based? why do i say this? what has significantly changed within the economy that i transact in? Nothing really .. lots has happened in the global economy.. but not to much in the south african economy .. other than the external inputs.. but we dont have a sub prime crisis .. but it is the fundimental basis of the economy that is pulling it down.. i know i am not really making to much sense at the moment... but i will try .. note the lower case I.. it may or may not be significant .. think about it ..

pull yourself passed waht is happening int eh global market .. yes there are major problems. .. massive financial problems.. but what has fundamentally changed in terms ofthe vlaue proposition. nothing really unless there was no real value behind the proposition int eh first place.. have we been living on borrowed money for the last 5 years or more? how can our global economy be based on theoretical manifestations .. buying long buying short.. a market that can be manipulated not by the interal value, but rather by the setiment of the buyers or sellers ..

a couple of months ago or maybe more in the south african economy there was a case where certain peple would buy stocks at normal prices and sell single shares .. at a fraction of the value.. was this the buttefly flapping its wing in a well cosntructed fire sale?
who knows .. but in this modern market where automated selling is not allowed but we all know that buying and selling is all driven by formulae of computer programs and simulations that are designed to increase the manipulation of short term or medium term fluctuations in share prices .. creating trends and directions int he markets .. who ahsever heard of futures .. what the hell is that .. futures on futures on futures .. that unwind and destroy a market within minutes and bounce back and plummet .. what is wrong with us?
how can we bet on the fundamentals of our economy how can we let people manipulate our existance like this?

oh well maybe i just dont understand it ..

but to things i do understand ..

why do we punish nature around us ..

why do people pollute rivers ..
this is somethign i cannot understand ?

i am a fisherman .. must be biased.. but how can we pump sewage into our rivers.. and stand buy .. how can we pump detergent insecticides and other chemicals into our rivers in plain daylight?

and the excuses that our sewage systems are overloaded .. why not do something about it .. it costs money .. but money cannot buy our environment back again ..

we are now at the stage where we do actually know how to do things .. no all things .. but many things in a more sustainable way .. we can make a green sewage plant .. we can make things more substainable .. but it desnt make money .. what is money through all of this? it is not happiness. it is not solace.. it is just the evil gue that drives through our society .. I understand we cannot move back to a barter and trade society .. but we can become more sustainable .. or at least try .. or die trying ..

back to the poluting of our rivers and natural environment .. is any amount of money worth destroying lives and futures ..?

the way the first world has rpaed and plundered the third world? all for a couple f dollars .. look at the whole of africa .. it is just ebing destoryed by foreign powers with money targeting despots and despirate people whoa re willing to sell today for no tomorrow.. who is to blame ..

I suppose we all are .. for stnding by and allowing it..
what we can do ? I dont know .. i am only viewing this horror i am no sage .. i cannot point you to a new hope and direction .. and runnign away and living somewhere int eh first world .. may make some sense .. but it wont stop the sytematical destruciton of the third world by the first world powers ?

who knows .. enough ranting on that ..

I think i have time for onw more rant all to be continued a little later ..

why do we sacrifice our cultures for the american or western bemoth of cultural desert that the americans sell to us .. no not that I am syaing those in america are without cuslture .. there are those who are alos being destroyed by the same homogonization .. nice word.. of all of the worlds cultures..

go and have a look at the slow food society .. google it .. and see what they have to say about this ..

goto run .. but will continue my rant tomorrow :-)