Friday, December 21, 2012

and how the world did not end and i miss or missed the jackarandas

strangely whilst looking at a Portuguese person who i follow on Flickr's photos , there were a whole lot of pics of jackaranda flowers from somewhere in spain or Portugal or somewhere but not south Africa, and it made me think once again how i miss and missed the jackaranda flowers

But of all the things i left behind the beetles rank highly
I stand with the misty drizzle condensing on my ragged beard
silver streaks shining through
I wonder what the next brown trout will look like
will the jerk on the other side of the line be a fish this time
lets hope there are two jerks on the line and not just one
flailing against the elements

well it is summer they say
it may not be here
Evan has his say
cyclonically speaking of course

The heat the flies are almost a distant dream
i slowly but deliberately wife the fine mist of my face
I stare at the beauty that is my potted garden
the images rush in and fill my mind

I stand staring waiting for tomorrow and the next day
in the hope and knowledge that it will be different and that i will make it so
the may will drift and I do

Thursday, December 20, 2012

all about perspective

Strangely we move forward, but we keep returning to the same place, not through error but through time. But as expected our perspective changes along the way, some aspects remain consistent, others are less obvious. This may not make sense on the outset, but over time my perspectives have changed, but this leaves me wondering about the wandering inside my thoughts?

round and round the merry go round i go, life moves, shifts and ebbs  thanks to Sonikie for lending us Material ( a new movie set in ZA ..old theme .. but i would watch it.. with Riaad Moosa ) but it is not with a little of sadness and happiness all rolled into one that we watch this. Strange it rolls into one, everything we miss and don't miss about our previous lives and about perspective and happiness, sadness, laughter and pain, not to different from our calvanistic upbringing the Garam (spelling?) is no different to those of the doppers, fun is bad and evil and wrong and wrapped into all of this the sadness and joy of it all. Life worth living, hidden away from the reality and daily drudge.

To much to little we stand waiting for the new day,
mine comes before yours,
mine ends before yours
it didnt end today as the mayans said, maybe we got to wait a couple of hours
maybe the tequila in their veins got it wrong :-)

well onwards and upwards .. less and not more,

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


double appologies, this was posted accidentally a couple of days back on another blog ..:/ copied it .. tried to post.. btu ti never got here ..

-- from a few days back ..

apologies to all and me, it has been a while since I penned to paper metaphorically. Things change, we all get challenged in different ways, some more than others. But there is something we can all accept and that is that we will be challenged to some end or another.

I knew there was something that i  was meaning to go through, i had made some notes on a notepad on my desk. It still amazes me how we have the ability to think and consider things, meaning full well to blog them. Clear rational, lucid thoughts flowing through my brain. But for the lack of a piece of paper or keyboard they tend to merge into nothing and we forget everything we planned to write and discuss.

" a sudden wave of sadness and happiness merged into a single emotion flows through my brain as I look at a photo on my desktop, almost like sweet and sour sauce."

the strange thing about photo's is how they can bring happiness and sadness in the same breath. We are back here again, without missing a beat at least once a cycle we have to question the meaning of photographs again. The meaning of life and art! (or in certain cases, possibly only really craft) and through what and how to express yourself. I recently found a most amazing set of photographs done by a kiwi photographer who titled them naked in Landscape, they illustrated the fractal nature of structures and the human figure was used to represent scale. Amazingly they were all done in the analog era and were done using a helicopter, with no processing. I have linked in the nzherald article, it is worthwhile rabbit holing down to find his actual website and viewing these and other photos.  It more so than before illustrated how we repeat art and visual representations of what we see and experience through history.

We sometimes miss the fracticallity (fractal) nature of the environment around us, sometimes the scale is all an illusion. but at other times not? Yes a silly statement, but have you ever viewed certain things and noticed how scale independent they are and other things not?  \have you ever questioned how we know how large an object is?

A little more on the relativity of arts and crafts, I am by no means an expert or even attempt to have a basis for an opinion, but based on something I saw posted on FB, we have a mutual friend of a friend who we became friends with over time who is an established artist who works in a number of media. In amoungst his portfolio are a number of collages, which are fantastic, but another artist or cynic made a comment in jest/anger (i am unable to determine due to a lack of perspective and colloquial association) about the "crafty" nature of his work. It brings me back to a TED presentation I heard a while back about "Mashups" and how this is part of our human nature, to build on that which we have seen in the past, how many great pieces of art or art works have been based on other historical pieces or are done in reference to something that was done in the past. I then wonder, were to draw the line between craft and art in my own mind, when something is truly new, when a "mashup" of something we may have seen is revisited or redone is it mere craft. It brings photography into a similar context, where does that fit into the picture, is it art or craft?

I suppose after a long break, I will be excused to have such a brief tirade, but there are so many fragments lurking that should hopefully be released over the next couple of weeks, that is if we have the ability to put metaphorical pen to paper.

One last subtextual note that may or may not prickle some interest in you, it did me and pumkie? Through our current re-education into art-house movies we have been watching a number of old favorites and a few that we had never seen before... We eventually watched a movie suggested by a friend over and over and over..strangely disturbing movie.. Ameros Peros.. Not something for the faint hearted, maybe not viewing pleasure but a hard look at life and experiences.. But this brought us to another movie, also set in the south america (mexico) called y tu mama tambien,  which is as disturbing  but in a totally different way.  But the thing that struck me was how integral the background images were to the story, more than a third of the imagery is held in the background of the scenes with the actors. What was difficult to pinpoint was why these movies are different to hollywood? The difference I  must say that draws me more and more to art-house/indie and more importantly foreign movies is the fact that the characters have real depth and texture and are not celluloid  and featureless. Actors in these movies have real bodies and flaws, which in some way make the movies more real, yet transport us into another realm.. bla bla yes I am getting carried away, got to get back to work.. enjoy

maybe more tomorrow on the elusive brown trout/s on the hutt river that have been tormenting me for the last year or so .. ;-)

that is me for the day..

-- from today

in an attempt for cognitive dilation I do believe we need to see more, do more, read more and in attempt to be less confined to the mind I think it is good to attempt to do things you promised yourself that you would do, but saying all of this it sounds a little like a "new years resolution" thing this, and yeas to u2 this is a frigin long sentence, and in a way possibly it is, but in somewyas I would consider it being the new me that i had to craft out of the folds of what remained of personality after it was wrenched from its wretched life in Africa, not saying that it was totally wretched, but rather saying that it could have been better and should have been better and that in a way i was bound by the fences within my own mind. I do not say do what you would not do, but rather do what you would and should do as that si who we are, I do somehow now slowly realise there is so much more we in the I that we are as an individual, yes that sounds stupid, but through our personal part of the diaspora me, we have realised how much of ourselves is just a reflection of others and visa versa and how somethings i noticed and others that i did not I definitely should have noticed and said and done..
But the fear caught us by the throat, strangely we are filled with some fear, but it does appear that that fear of the known adn unknown can be removed by a simple  extraction process.. but hey we can only try

go do, go see, go see the sea
we see the sea but how often do we not stop 
i love the smell of the rotting seaweed
i love the spray on my face
the crashing waves 
the grey the the gray the blue the grey
melting into a redness and gold at the end of the day

Anon. 2012