Friday, February 12, 2010

sekf determination and dreams?

just a question?

what is a dream?

are there times when it should be forgotten, or an old one forgotten?

we walk alone
we stand peering at the future through the glasses we bought for ourselves
knowing full well that the rose colour was only the lens?
then we look back and wonder, if, should,could, and what if?
is that right
is it possible to view the rose colour without applying the scientific mind and reducing it to an aberation of the spectrum
is it possible to have balance within the chaotic stochasticity or ism?
never sure about these word things,
we walk alone on the path of life, we walk with others yet we are the ones who walk
we cannot look back and comment
it is us who walked the walk, talked the talk
made those choices
to return to perspective of others
it is difficult to remain objective, yet that is what i was taught?
subjectivity creeps in, feelings and emotions
i wonder along this path of hazy light an question the questions and the answers
the answers i came to, to the questions I have forgotten
the questions which have no answers
the thoughts the perceptions, do they matter
the deceit the lies, the entrapment
can we forgive, should we forgive, should we be forgiven
should we judge
can we judge if we dont understand?
can we understand without perspective?
we can only ask so many questions, till we are faced with the moment
the moment we realise that we stand before the rest of the world a construct of the life we have created for ourselves.. yes at times there are exterior stochastic events that alter our perceptions of reality, morality, justice, and in general life?
But there is little we can do about the past, all we can do is live the future (dma that deepak chopra voice in my head, it needs to be banished)
But that is the wonder of the impersonality of the garbage i spew forth..
i understand nothing, i understand a lot.. the understanding is the most hindrance
we view our lives as a moment in time, rather than an episode in the continuum of life..
what is an apology
what is a perception
where do we stand on life

to view the insanity of life, more aptly our own in contemplation we stand, sorry shiver, no worry and wonder along the flavour of life ..
how much can we change, how much must we endure
how serious are things at the end of the day?

What is important?
the ... bla bla fish paste ...

[we have to consider here what this absolutely ridiculous monologue has to offer for anyone out there?.. good question? nothing i would assume?] This is just a self indulgent diatribe about the fragmentary nature of my mind ..
maybe i should have added that to my disclaimer?

or not.. I do suppose in some ways I am rather rude in sending out these diatribes .. and yes mostly to a captive audience ..
my own gallery of .... geez be carefull of the word to insert ..
not sure ..

maybe i should detach the mailing option? but maybe not?

it is paradoxical.,,, but at best i would rather send it out to more :-)

good night .. sleep well/ wake well

it is time to pack for my holiday.. albeit brief

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