Friday, February 12, 2010

misconception, prescience and traffic

geez a whole lot of things, where to start he asks?

misconceptions are rife in the mind of the individual as are the outcomes of our thoughts and the interpretation of life as we perceive it..

what is bad traffic? for you for some a few cars, a lot of cars? very strange our perceptions of reality are..
as are our perceptions of time in interpersonal relationships..
as they are of people, can we understand our co-workers? or not?
strange thing that?

what are perceptions? are they real, or are they biased by objectivity or the lack thereof? the subjectivity of objectiveness, do you know what? It is wonderfull to be able to spurt non sensical crap and have people read it and read into it.. their may be a deeper level, or not?

but on a much more important thought process i was experiencing this morning or was it yesterday? not to sure..

But it has to do with prescience .. not sure if am spelling that word correctly though and the meaning is important.. i was listening to the wireless this morning or yesterday in my automobile .. and heard the most bizarre story that sprouted from the sun ( the local version thereof) .. an african woman had a vision where an angel came and spoke to her and made her pray with eugene of the green underwear and the horse .. this is not important..
but most importantly it made me wonder about this thing .. the ability to see the future . It draws me to the simple yet insane analogy that humans brains are totally underutilised and that we only use a fractional percentage of our capacity and bla bla fish paste whatever ..

but the ket to this was that it got me a wondering anf here i ramble along on a path of ludicrousness .. is it not possible that like actuaries (the pinnacle of the analytical mind (sic!)) are in fact human computers who harness the computer to proove things about patterns as stuff .. especially to do with investment and the financial market and insurance and all that crap .. as background these people take lots of facts .. crunch them and come up with very "clever" sic ! conclussions about insurance premoiums and most importantly investment (see hwo they got that one right) .. but in principal they take all this crap and from all the numbers and trends they make abjective(sic!) analysis of the data and come up with predictions ..

one wonders????
is it not possible that people who experience visions and see the future are not just simply people who have the ability to determine correlation.. note that causality is not allways important here .. I know from a very important statistician who worked for the military noted to me that he had met a number of people who played the stock market based on the success of a lue bulls game over the weekend .. does that not screw with your scientifice sense ... where we are bound to the the adage of it may be correalation but is it causal..

there may be an insane number of correlated events that have nothing to do with causality.. but yet remain correlated through some form of stochastic equilibrium.. or balance .. that in its own scentence is an oxymoron ..

but is that not the point that we have humans who are savants, not neccessarily idiots, but who see the global and universal patterns and create some form of pattern recognition or prescience which allows them to foretell the future, not withstanding the stochastic and chaotic nature of the universe..

who knows?
but the traffic .. boy it sucks .. CS jus for u:-)

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