Monday, December 15, 2008

something different

I suppose the time for wallowing in the depth and darkness of the global recession or depression are over now. we now have to find ways to find ourselves post disaster, not that for most of you this was a real disaster. WE should view our lives with a little healthy introspection to view with happiness what we have, a roof over our heads, food on the table. But this does not eman we should give up the fight for life, our lives are even more important now. there is no time for wallowing in self pity, feeling down and sad. this is but a new begining that we should all have to go through. on the lighter side fuel costs are down by more than 30% and they are dropping .. wghat does that mean .. ROADTRIP...

How many of us are couped up in our abodes fearing the unknown. I suspect that now more than ever is a time for us to look introspectivly and not be depressed. It is a time to look inwards and seek meaning in that which is around us. I sat watching a really classical piece of film. a chinese kung foo movie. I had to listen to a piece 3 times. These heavily translated super energetic movies have value beyond the obvious. i watched a scene where two of the kung foo masters where drinking tea. The one was discussing the value of various kinds of tea and professing how certain teas are better than others and a and and. whereas the other mast responded that tea drinking is a mood and that the tea and the experience was more related to the mood of the person appreciating the tea and not the quality of the tea. .. I am masively editing this. go and watch fearless.. it is amazing for the one scene in the movie .. the rest is not as spiritual for me at least.

but to go back at least a week in thoughts......

I was noticing that the bulk of us have been gripped in a global panic and fear we are all suffering from insane fear and loathing for the future to come close to quoting that dude. But what in essence has changed in our lives other the fundimental basis of our economy, which we all knew was rotten to the core.. now it is just happened .... all of us as part time soothsayers all saw it comming.. no one ever foresaw the immensity and implications thereof. for thsoe ofus who have jobs, keep them and carry on for thsoe who have lost there jobs, tiems are hard, but in adversity we find ourselves. Often adversity is not a pleasant thing. But it does give us the space, or lack of space to see ourselves in a new context. It also gives us the opportunity to take life by the horns. yes it is difficult, but through adversity the highest level of innovation and invention comes from within us. Best we not sit on our laurels, because tomorrow could beworse, or better. But let us not wallow in the panic of today. Look forward and find a new tomorrow. Often life does not allow us the path we believed we would follow. Things are never as we wanted them. No matter how much we visualize theperfect secret like future.. this does not mean we must dispell our positive thoughts, but rather that we must aim forwards and find the rainbow.

deep in my bones the need for a serious raod trip to places i have but imagined has welled up again. there are places that we have never been to or seen that often define our personalities. On the whole most of us define ourselves on hopes we never really endevour to chase or even get to, and wallow in midlife crisis and never do anything about them. This does not mean we must depart from the reality of our existence. But if our existence is not what it should be then we must change it. But with the reality of the implications thereof... all garble and rambling i know. take heed dont take heed.. it is your life live it.. or as a firend of ours says .. go nike ... just do it :-)

more seemingly random rambling by me ....

enjoy the festive season.

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