Sunday, December 21, 2008

on ataining success

After giving this a little thought, how do we measure success in life, this may be an old adage, a cliche. But this is a question we are all faced with from the beginning to the end. What defines happiness and success don't always seem to be synch. But i suppose they can be.

but my ramblings are more on the notion of being able to achieve things in timeframes that are realistic and meaningfull. I have begun an internal debate, yes I am a Gemini so I am entitled to have an internal debate ;-) but not to begin to sound like he secret we have to quote to nike -- just do it. but where do we draw the line between what is rationally possible.. and i have something t mention on that concept so park it in the back of your mind, and the that which is classically possible. Not to quote those like Lance or the others who are beyond extreme, what binds us to what we can do and achieve and what we should achieve. Or sould I rather say what is it that holds us back or chains us to the shackles of appathy? what creates that little fear within us? did frank herbet not say in dune that fear is the thing inside us that eats us up. It may not have been him who said it like that, but his rendition of the path that the young duke goes through sticks best in my mind. I suppose this time in all of our lives we are burdened with even more fear, loathing, panic, betrayal and downright insane panic about the state of the world and economics around us. Does this mean because we live in an atrificial construct that we should bow down to a system that has no relevance to our hapiness ( artificially it does) or our ability to achieve things, great and small. I have a belief that we can achieve things, it is only a measurement of the value and success that holds us back from achieving things in our daily life. It is possible as i have seen in some unamed friends and others who live by the lightning and take thought and action to a new level, thought drives action into directions we could never believe we are able to achieve, unless those of us held down by the panic and fear of failure success, rational panic( which I must say is a bad thing int he real of belief in our abilities to achieve that which we dream off...) how many of us live in realms of dark fear and loathing for our lives or the direction we beleave it has gone or the belief that if things had just been different ( plaese understand i do not proclude myself from this toungue lashing). the only thing is that things can be done in a baby steps way.. start small if you cannot go at all ... But there are people who dream big and go large. We all have this ability.

on other things and my dreams...

things that one of my new forced blog spam recipients will have to enlighten us about is contemporary anthropology .. think that si what it is called .. noting that this is only a second hand rendition of what it is about.

on status of our existence, how to emasure that.. wont even go there as this is not for now but later when i get a chance to wollow in self dispare .. not really as this is not something i like participating in.

On my current dreams and aspirations .. nothing new .. but it seems like i am able to now start on the project of a dream. we are now implimenting the initial phases of my hydro aquaponics scheme .. no I wont bore you to tears on this .. but put out a moe technical explanation of what i am going to achieve, but i believe this will hold the potential fo answering my question relating to the possibility of a household to be able to survive the impending world food crisis.

On another note completely i went to a scrap yard yesterday, this is a place of dreams. Do yourself the favour and go, get soemone to take you if you fear the unknown, but GO .. and see what treasures lie between the rubble .. things you will need to find your dream... but leave your wallet behind :-) cos it can be expensive ... or take it with and indulge .. this may or may not relate to all that manyn of you .. but use it dont use it (DJ F)...

but that is eough crap and rambling for the moment .. it ahs come to my notice that my blogging ghas at least been elavated to toilet reading for som people .. hey but that is at least a start .. :-)

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