Sunday, April 25, 2010

love in the time

Love in the time of chaos, would be more apt.. there is no solitude except that which we experience within the chaos.

Standing on the brink of a cataclysm .. carefully consider how you interpret that word .. it means a lot of things.. no this is no milan kundera expose on how to understand what i am saying, rather just subscripts on the extension fo the semantic within the text.

i gaze aimlessly over the burning landscape, as the indomitable Vokof poliesie kar so aptly put it brand suid afrika .. no fewer words have spoken closer to the truth, the existence we live.. the war within the society which attempted to get find the rainbow, boy there are some undocumented colours in that rainbow .. colours of hate and anger and frustration...

nothing much more for now .. goto eat lunch .. is that got to or goto? dunno the lines of my mind are distorted from between the reality of life and software and polictics and economics ..

boy such is life ..

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