Saturday, June 27, 2009

bootstrapping and the perspectroscope

how effective is the bootstrap?

who knows .. but it appears to be working.. dragging my inner ramblings kicking and screaming clawing at the melodrama .. but it appears as if i have managed to surface from the inner self pity .. so are we on the path to recovery who knows .. but it feels better..

but back to the more prominent discussion on perspective and happiness....

how much can we deceive ourselves within our own self pity losing all perspective on the world around us and life in general.. one would imagine that there are those who through time have managed to pull themselves through this from situations imaginable to the bulk of us .. there were those in abject poverty and absolute reign of despots and tyrants have managed to see the silver lining through the dark clouds .. when the rest of the western world on a hole appears to have lost this ability on a whole. It may be due to the constant programming through pulp movie and fiction that we have lost the ability to actually live our lives.. what is the essence of our lives and how do we perceive things in accurate way and how often do we create our own self fulfilling prophecies which pull us into our own depths .. how much can we blame on society, how much can we blame on ourselves how much can we blame on the medias constant obsession to sell the most horrible and depressing news.. sadness and tragedy sells the news..
this is something i just cannot understand ... and how this self fulfilling prophetic babble influences our lives.. and how the death of a superstar .. yes he was a superstar can mould the entire news on a world wide basis? Yes we have sympathy .. but seriaaaas.. seeing it flashed all day on the cnn and cnbc channels in the tea area of my office just seems to highlight something to ponder over..
well more for me to ponder over and for you to all ponder .. WTF why does he think that crap ..

But the longer I am and the longer i ponder the more i realize that there is a distinct segregation in society especially into those who consider and ponder and evaluate their daily existence and the existence of those around them and those who are bound to the media and its representation of their lives. I cannot say that this a new thought or even mine .. it is just something that i am gaining more and more resonance with.. that the life and the world around is definitely split into Jungian or similar archetypes of personalities and motivations.. i see one of the guys at my Gym who is a very successful director of a huge telecoms organization .. no not that huge..more in the least cost routing side of things .. but they have been in the news .. and i see him .. going to gym and reading his blackberry all the way .. running that hamster wheel raggid .. we have and are all there at certain times of our lives..
bringing me back to some other observations over the last week or so about soem of the personalities that we have to do with on a daily basis people with amazing abilities and people with amazing abilities to deceive those around them and some who even go so far as deci4eving themselves in the process .. how 'we' as humans build elaborate houses of cards around our existences .. how we throw stones in glass houses .. people who build castles of sand into the sky building empires without and conception or perception of the influence or impacts of their actions being driven my some of the bassist egotistical motivations for existence and self justification..

but enough on that for now .. you may all now begin to have some notion that i may have some form of deep seated hatred for people in general which in general is not true .. it is just i standing there as an observer watching waiting looking at what people do and what i experience of it on a daily basis ..

more another day dudes and dudesses

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