Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shaken but not stirred (and the social experiment that failed, but is in fact a success

what is in a title, not to much, but what is apparent is that I have been significantly neglecting (i would prefer to use the word Neglectant.. but it appears that form is not commonly accepted.. don't get me started on that). But more important to impart that which is part of that which has past and is or isn't part of the present but does not pertain to present participles, WTF.. only half a sentence and I am off the rails already.

To return to the current idiom which is my life and the current view there upon and those people places and things that intercept it, not to unlike a Venn diagram in a child or adults webpage or notebook or facebook wall. And yes I know there was a divergence into more linear writing, but alas this is something of the past for a moment, as to much time has past and there are to many words trapped within,

to skip forward to the current, leaving out a whole lot fo the past for the moment time being,  not to be uninterrupted by this wondrous piece i saw today by Tim Minchen, not because it was new, but because it was what i Saw today.

I return to my tales of woe and disappointment of the reality of the life we live in, sounding a little like a Genesis song. a while back I proposed something to my General Facebookerati. This was aiming to try and Humanise my interactions with the people on my facebook account. This attempt was to get all(some/as many as i could) the people on my profile to send me a real letter which contained some printed photographs of themselves, their abode, some old photographs and a hand written piece of text, this was to then form part of an art work to be part of an exhibition that I am planning to do. I suspect it will be a very small piece of art Smile then subsequently one of my Facebookerati then indicated that he would only send me something if sent it to him first and i was the point of change in the universe rather than the change coming from without to change the way we interact with those around us. I must admit I considered this as an option.. I will fulfil his request, which btw I have been very tardy with.. Which for I must apologise.

Actually I Apologise

But actually back to the current, i did consider a whole lot of things over the last while, amongst them are a whole span of things.

Time to Recap, what has passed since last entry in my online version of my life, i started with project BW (which will be released shortly online, this is a top secret project and needs to be kept under wraps for the interim. I have made an IPA and bottled in Recycled bottles (part of the Family recycle, reuse, repurpose campaign). I have replanted veggies a whole lot of times, almost the last time. I have mated more barley, wheat and dinkel for the next beer project. I have started with the first , or second or actually a few down the line, sculptures made out of drift wood and other pieces of flotsam from the beach.. taken its time.. it should be hanging somewhere soon. a large number of breads have passed from one end to the other of the process chain and to many others to mention.. oh other than the large Kahawai on fly .. which took some time to eventualise.

To intersperse current with future and past, unlike the chronological flow of life and reality which in no way mix, current future and past experiences.

To return to the proposal by the unnamed, facebookerati  and that I should  be the one to first send a letter to everyone, which then pre-supposes that I have all their addresses. which then points to the obvious dilemma that i do not which points to the fact that either they are not really my friends as per his other post on the span of our friendships which should be smaller and the other dilemma being that i would have to obtain these, and then of course the other issue is If i sent a letter to all my facebookerati (~300 ish people this would be financially fairly significant, but is this the cost of friendship?). I am not really trying to solve this in the short term. The other more pertinent question is more in the lines of  what the end goal is rather than method, or is the method the actual goal.  I must admit I cannot give a comment on that at this stage as I am not really sure?

It does bring me to a parallel concept though, which is moving to a subscription based model rather than a scatter gun approach? I was considering a form of bulletin rather than general random facebook posts which seem to have gotten broken recently, where the latest incarnation has changed the posting behaviour. That is before it was possible to anticipate how something would be seen and by who, where now facebook has significantly changed some of its algorithms. I saw that i was no longer seeing certain updates in my feed.. and others must be experiencing things similarly.  some years back I saw someone who had a weekly/daily journal style bb posting that was emailed to all the subscribers. this was not to different from the old style newsgroup bulletins, other than the fact that this was a html document with imbedded images. 

Possibly the old could become the new again? It might just all be a hoax..

On a totally different note i was listening to a podcast from philoosophos (philosophybites), which is very cool in small doses. this one in particular was an interview with tom wolf on his new novel and the death of civilized western civilization due to the death of God, and yes i am paraphrasing significantly.. go listen if you are really interested SmileActually after searching for the link in mediaMonkey, i realise with an element of mirth that this actually comes from uncommonknowledge (you may ask WTF is that?)

it is a podcast on the following topics : “Uncommon Knowledge is a production of the Hoover Institution, a public-policy research center devoted to the advanced study of politics, economics, and political economy — both domestic and foreign — as well as international affairs. Topics on Uncommon Knowledge range from the legalization of drugs to affirmative action to war to taxes to censorship on the Internet. Uncommon Knowledge is hosted by Hoover fellow Peter M. Robinson.”

we all learn something over here…the actual Podcasts discusses this : “ Tom Wolfe discusses the ideas and inspirations for Back to Blood, a story of decadence and the new America. In the book, Wolfe paints a story of a decaying culture enduring constant uncertainty. Heroes are spurned and abused, and values are dissolving; yet the message seems to be to stick with the good values.“

It was way more interesting that you could imagine, granted i was on the train, had time to kill, but nonetheless it has inspired me to listen to a few more of these podcasts.

But more pertinently what are we listening to now? Little cow

interesting, who knows i may listen to them again, or maybe not?

so where does this leave us in terms of the initial discussion? I am not sure? I am not sure of my level of commitment though?

this is bound to change and get resolved within the day or the week or longer, but in general the response to my social exercise is piss poor.  If we overanalyse this all we can come to a number of conclusions?  It is possible that I am over intellectualising this? Or not, it is in fact the state of society or the state of non society.


but before i forget, i red an article by a blogger that was posted on fb, which of course has been cycling through my brain. This has cycled extensively through my brain without returning a definitive answer to this poser?  I am sure if i had not immigrated I would feel totally differently about it? I wonder if I would feel more or less for or against this article? now there inadvertently through the course of the words flowing from my fingers i have increased the complexity n fold. I had read about this before and had read about other similar experiences, from others in the expats returning back home, but i do have to respond by saying that this is not as simple as it seems, and living in a grey high rise could not be fun, but on a similar track what if it was not in a high rise you find yourself, but a super peaceful and amazingly beautiful place .. how does that stretch your brain muscles?  there can be no replacing of friends, unfortunately. But I suspect once you have crossed the bridge to far, you can no longer return or that pillar of salt will be washed away with the angels tear drops. It is sad, but by moving and changing your perspective you have altered reality for ever and can never return things back to the way they were, either good or bad.  In many ways this doesn't answer or even elucidate or illuminate that piece or my response to it? It may take me long and in the end It might be a single yes or no or even a twenty page diatribe, nothing in life is necessarily in balance, just because Newtonian physics implies that there is always an equal on opposite force,does not mean we understand the implications of one flap of a butterflies wings and how something so simple can have profoundly insanely complicated  effect on our lives and that of others. To us there was a massive upheaval which has changed our fabric, to others we were just another lot of irritating rats fleeing a ship, to others they could not understand, others herald you in, others watch you in dismay, happiness, hope , others getting ready to follow.  There is no answer that is the problem…

well in a way I cannot complete this blog entry by today, and if i were to put in the drafts folder it could be weeks, neigh months before it is re-edited and actually posted, so you will have to live with this as it is..


I don’t feel to bad, after reading the previously mentioned blog, it turns out she (the author) writes professionally .. I don’t.  and as a postscript, i am not convinced .. maybe by then i will have an answer, in truth I can be sure I am more convinced by this


oh and the point to the Tom wolf piece for me is that he set himself a target of n words a day, his was in the region of a 1000 words, I think i have surpassed that, so i should be happy. You the reader i imagine are saying, WTF.. inconclusive and just when we thought he would tie it all up and together he/she it stops .. Well this is just rambling, this is not a treatise, maybe tomorrow i will try to continue on from where i left off?

i hope to? i mean to, maybe by then i will decide how the social experiment will play out, maybe i will also give some insights into the other new adventures i am having? But that s tomorrows dilemma?







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