Thursday, November 28, 2013

a third of 1600 or so must be 4000

Some days are way harder than others, some days we wake up invigorated and ready to conquer the world, other days we struggle to get going or through the day. Some days we are stronger than a raging bull other days we feel like we have been trampled by a raging bull.

As a comment regarding moving away and changing, I suspect change is inevitable, to stay the same would be abnormal. Time changes everything, not always for the good and bad and if you throw in temporality, location and context who knows what will float to the surface or sink to the bottom of the milieu.

On a more cheerful note, please support the dude with his new blog, I  also think i may have found a counter foil for myself in Wellington. There is a nerd organisation in wellington called “nerd nite wellington” this is as quoted by them :”Welcome to nerd nite wellington: the first (and until recently, only!) Southern Hemisphere version of the rapidly-becoming-global geekery that is nerd nite.” – they can be found at

These may not really be my people, but nerds normally have quasi nerd friends like myself, we all need a good nerd or two to assist us with things. There is also a thought that to fix all problems we require a system programmer that hacks in at very low level code … to solve all problems? but as one of my programmer colleagues states, he may be alight myopic as he (my friend low level hacks to get some code to work on the ipad app he is busy with). while trolling through this I found  the League of pragmatic optimists, this is a fairly interesting construct.. I will have to look into this .. but more and more we get faced with the 1000’s of words that russel brand throws at us..  I cannot work out what he is, he speaks so fast, so much and intersperses a 1000 ideas at once, some i agree with others I think are loony, but i love his commitment to life and putting it out there and what he believes in.

A while back I speculated about how we were often, in certain circumstances and in others just a reflection and an aberration often relative to the surroundings, I never considered what happens when a mirror is taken out of a room? I know if the mirror is taken out of the room you no longer see the mirror and all you see is the emptiness  as the previously multifaceted and reflective surface that shone with colours and shapes and fragments of pieces of situations is now only an empty void, with little residual memory of the past other than the dents ands scratches and frame and background. It quickly gets filled with new images, but for long remains a silver shining surface. But what happens in the room where it previously adorned a surface or corner, depending on its shape it distorts and makes things appear closer, further the same or totally different, especially in the fading or flickering light of a fire. You have to at some point start questioning or poking this with a large stick saying .. stop with the euphemisms on top of euphemisms on top of reality on top of  euphemisms. Where does the light stop, where does it start, how long does a reflection linger, how fast it is replaced. How much changes when a mirror is taken from a room.

off to lunch come back, read this and thing WTF, get real talk about something a little more rational less eccentric, maybe the word i was thinking about yesterday or the day before was Divaricating, I am attaching a link to a key opf the divaricating shrubs of New zealand.. which is a little exiting for some people and mostly pretty frigin arbitrary for others. 

I link this photo off, please go visit them if you find this interesting. But back to my previous point this is not to unlike my tangled beard. At the current rate of word loss, by the end of the month i will be down to a handful of words, which I suppose if they were carefully crafted by a wordsmith it would be fantastic, but in the current scenario I require a lot more words to say very little.

To return to Russell Brand and then in a way Tim Minchin, they are both a form of anti celebrity. I cannot decide if that makes them better or actually way worse because they are preying on the likes of those who are not all that conformist? Both of the commit apparent social suicide by the things they do and say, yet they remain popular, even if for the nonthings they say, no not nonsense or nonscience, they actually do speak science, nonscience, nonsense, nothings and sense all at the same  time. It does put into question our ability as a society to self regulate. Our Gods are dead or Dying or in certain cases becoming stronger, but not in unison in separation and in conflict with one another. Thrown into all of this is a little scepticism. Now that I consider it further the one is crazy as batshit and the other is an aussie? More seriously I cannot decide if either of them can be taken seriously or not taken seriously?

ok so i forgot to post this yesterday .. goto go now and do the new  one soon

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