this would of course exclude all the fluff we read in between like the beer brewing and recipe books and other general informational stuff..
I think in the light of the previous post yesterday where I mentioned the Viking ceremony, “we”, most probably I, possibly need/Feel that it is time again for another stock take, we have been here a little over 3 years and time drifts and waits for no manman or woman or manwoman or womanman or others. So at this point to re-enact this I would need a chalice or preferably a drinking horn, maybe i need some mead or some farm ale.
I must apologise, I did not complete this on time yesterday? But in a way I don’t feel bad about it because at this stage there is only 1 or are2 or 3 people who actually read this on the blogosphere, and to be honest it is not really life changing? And there is little or no feedback or response on the page anyway?
I got to thinking yesterday they day before about possible abdication or removal of my self from the social media world, but realised after a it of thought that there are actually a few people who I sincerely do keep active contact with and it perform as fairly well as a format to share information and interesting things with, But I do feel a rather wholesale culling coming on.. Think this has a lto to do with certain delusions of friendship that I have with others while actually being a near complete loner.
Another strange thing I was thinking about was funny things you remember as a child to this day which actually mould or form the way you live, things you like and other oddities.
In this list immediately to mind the items that come to mind are Persian carpets, cat gut, black cats, survival, cataclysm, back tracking of vocals, and many more. In some ways, maybe I should not debunk my own myths? Or maybe i should get a better understanding, well this is being written in real time without a script or thought of the eventual outcome? I had to get up from my desk and my thought process ahs changed once again..
maybe something to look into the future at this stage all you will get is a short list of some of the quirks inside my brain
Persian Carpets all have an intentional flaw built into them and you have to find them to truly appreciate the mastery fo the carpet, that si over and above the normal artistry
Black cats cause you bad luck if they run out in front of you (this is duplicitous because it could be bad luck or even triplicitous * yes grammar and word police that is NOT a word YET *)
subtext: this should not be confused in anyway or means with a singel,dubbel, trippel or extra strength trippel I am not a trappist writer It cannot be thus confused, we have to keep this clear and not get confused here, i not have authority to do that or say things in those terms.It is important to always have safety equipment with you at all times (well living in Wellington where the world really Rocks .. maybe?)
A small pyramid will, when placed over a blunt razorblade, of specific dimensions and ratios, will sharpen it and or keep fruit fresh.. hey something i remember from my childhood, it could however be from the back of a chappie wrapper? and yes * the anti-wikipedia police keep those thoughts to yourself *
vernuncular was actually a word, this is vernacular .. so we toted the term that vernuncular is the vernacular of vernacular .. silly i know
the poisonous nature of certain things, plants etc etc.. of which many were not and others are.. especially small harmless animals or fish or other like beasts, like dragon tails or teeth
religion, i will leave that uncontested
you can cook an egg on the bonnet of a car if it has/had been standing in the sun.. never did this? suppose this is not to dissimilar form cooking a chicken in the manifold of your big six or v8 towing car on the way to your holiday destination.
some peoples singing can actually shatter glasses?
you can outrun a wild animal, and other similar items
One favourite one is that a VW golf can be ridden through a freshly ploughed maize field and it will feel like a boat going through waves? Or did that happen
I think there are many others, some include you for a possible candidate for the Darwin awards
lest not forget the yeti, bigfoot, UFO’s the illuminati and all the other paranormal crap?
In the same vein it might actually be time to put pen to paper especially around the Clive and George saga? maybe we have waited long enough to protect the innocent as they have gone from innocent to who gives a f..
strange things memories?
I suspect maybe by scanning some old photographs from the past it may well up some huge pieces of memories from the past? well is supect it will but so far one thing that is apparent, that even over time my photographic skills sic! *disclamer* have improved in my own eyes some of the aspects have remained the same over the years, especially in the primary and basic way I perceive things around me? I am not sure if this is good or bad or normal, is it possible to actually change your perspective, from a visual documentation perspective, other than the obvious dalliances on the side, or not? I wonder? I think I may just have to give you an answer over some time, possibly by adding in some photographs from now then and look and see how I see things the same and differently. I wonder if it is possible to actually change the way we view things, without changing who we are, or possibly only if we mimic the way others see things, then are these still a reflection of our artistic interpretation of the world around us, or do we just become cookie cutter individualists who are just very good copies of others who are very good copies of others? I suspect much of what i do and see is fairly boring in some ways because there may be a clinical observational aspect to my psyche which originates from having studied biology for so long, then int eh same vein there is a flicker, almost as if it is a glitch in the matrix where things are different and not as they seem or the same when they should be different? Either way there is an aspect which is not as it should be and in those moments there is another side which leaches through, there is no knowing where this leaches from, it could just be all the residual memories and reflections that do not make sense in my somewhat boring and observational mind and they have to be expressed in their native format and not as the literal observational mind sees them.. These images tend to burst out rather than develop, and not in a way that you can predict and plan for them, they are part of a scattergun approach, possibly i am applying the subconscious art of generating things through the paradigm of a million monkeys .. now that would make a fantastic title for book.. now that I have the title I only have a few hundred thousand words to go, or not?
I may have to rather complete some of the other tasks as not put out in the previous days topics? the things I did not write down yet, But i think i might just have to keep thsoe for my postmodern
I also think that the future is to nebulous and at this short juncture I would say I am committed to do stuff and not stop doing stuff and to not stop dreaming and planning and hoping to do stuff in the future ..
that is enough for now, the rest will have to leach out later..
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