Thursday, July 12, 2012

strange notions and things

The notion of Beauty being skin deep or otherwise appears to be so misconstrued as the premise whereby all of this delusion is based upon, is soley initiated by The Media and individuals who are temporally blind. But we must also realise that we can state the converse it is the notion that art is an expression (IMHO) of the conteXt and environment and social culture and a manifestation of the complex interplays within this notion.  Does this make me stupid or un contextual in my prior statement?, Or should i rather state that in the current context and environment we have to assume if all was equal that I believe the current context is flawed, not withstanding that there are many more disturbed and unrealistic context and trends  throughout time. I do, however, begin to doubt the actual framework of my premise, or rather that it is possible that I may be an anachronistically inclined in terms of my opinion of this aspect of humanity. Possibly, but we will never actually know if the garbage that I push out has any particular meaning or not, other than clearing my mind not unlike blowing my nose?

I will get back to the original premise or position I may be abjectly objectifying a notion of the importance of my opinion and possibly, rather that the opinion I may have is of any value or importance to others. But we know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so it is written, therefore it must be true? Opinion, context and perspective all play a role, lest not forget culture~ality  (if that word does not exist it should). We all know that if it is written, is on wikipedia or the web it must be true ;-)

This would return to the is it an ism or is art question that I raised some time back, but can we view or experience or judge humanity against the lines of art? Is there a thread that follows through, are people, like art a mirror on the society they exist in and if the are can they be judged by the artificial notions of a subset of those members who have financial motived behind them? Is is justifiable to evaluate ourselves or others against a artificial measure that is not attainable to the bulk of the race, whereas in the past there were memes and ideals that could be attained by anyone?  Just a question?

enough of that serious stuff for the moment,  more for myrth and way.

I imagine it is time to do a breadline of time over the last few years, but maybe only next time.  It is not long before the end of the productive day and almost time for the weekend to begin. Possibly rather something full of myrth on monday or possibly a bonus on the weekend, who knows.

All we can be sure of is that there will be lots of scrabble tomorrow night, I will hopefully ahve recovered from the scrambling of our brain from going with some friends of ours in their small 4X4. I doubt I wlll have the patience for the scrambling scrabble on Saturday evening and may rather opt for something more sedentary or pedestrian like sitting or parking of and relaxing.

You may in retrospect actually ask, wherefore or why i went on the tirade about the beauty of skin being only as deep as the pages of the magazine the notion fell out of, but nowhere as deep as the pockets of the media and social mogals who create the illusion. We live in a world of wonder and illusion, yet we chose to only view life through certain coloured lenses, when it can rather be viewed in a number of other ways. On a totally different train of thought, On the way to my office, or I should say on my walk to the train station, due to its pedestrian speed of mobility I get to lookat things while I pass them by very slowly. One morning not to long back I was walking and noticed the most amazing "row" of three stars just to the left of orions knife or so. It turns out that I actually managed to use my google star map and discovered to my delight it actually works and that those were not stars, but rather jupiter and Saturn lining up near each other with some or other unknown star. BUT now they are moving, and it still amazes me that thousands of years ago, those primitive people figured out that there where stars that did not follow the same path as the other stars and then from this they worked out that they were planets orbiting something albeit our earth or to some the stars and to toehrs something else, but with the huge number of dots in the sky, the change of seasons and all of that combined they still figured out that those bright stars were doing something strange .. frigin dam amazing ..

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