a new week and already 1 post missed last week and it is Tuesday already, slow week, slow start.
So in an up and down world, full of turmoil we move on chronologically. Time shifts on, more kiwi get moed by the local iwi onto Mana Island, will this change the mana of the island? The escaped squirrels multiply while escaping in Japan, or possibly they cannot count, or in certain cases 30 does in fact equal 38.
So where are we now this week, I have finished Freakanomics, I am neither impressed or unimpressed. It is what it is, it is not a black swan, but it is also not nothing. I cannot say that it profoundly altered the way i thought or think about things or the "correlations" he made, I must admit there is a bit of freedom in the causality vein. The correlations are implied and may be real, but causality still hangs on a thread.
In terms of status quo, puppy still has many compared to me, chewing another of my shoes .. But she seems to have left the garden alone for a while now and does not seem to be trying to hard to eat the rest of the garden, so we may still get some broadbeans and peas .. The spinach and radishes on the other hand were doomed from the start it seems.
WE managed to make real barbie bread this weekend, which was not at as expected. We decided to, the we implies the royal Me, make beetroot bread, which according to the authors of the bread book state the crust has a pleasant and exiting colour. I cannot deny in any way that the colour and texture of the outside of the bread are in anyway flawed. Granted "I should have possibly measured a little more exactly when it came to the volumes of grated beetroot though. Eventhough the bread was tasty and looked a little like it was bleeding when you cut it.. I liked it, it has in a way inspired me to make a plaited Rastafarian pumkin, beetroot and something green ( no not that green :-), maybe Basil) loaf of bread. I think it could be pretty amazing looking. We will have to wait and see what the weekend brings to us? Maybe just a subtle carrot and cardamom loaf may do the trick or maybe just carrot and cumin.. who knows only the wekend will..
On more amazing things I learnt this week, firstly that tofu, bean, spinach and onion cottage pie is pretty damn awesome. This was a recipe I came up with over the weekend. As testimony even the children asked for seconds, for a vegetarian recipe is not to bad. Any one wanting the recipe just needs to send me message, same with the purple beetroot bread ..:-) But to the other amazing thing I learnt this morning, being that there are some strange people out there. The one being the dude on the train who I have not seen for some time. He hurt his Achilles tendons some time back and was forced to have an operation to correct this malady. I spoke to him to day, and he, and now me discovered that he has arthritis in his big toes a feet, which may have been the actual reason for his Achilles tendon damage in the first place.. But this is actually not really the point I am trying to make about the dude on the train. He is self medicating with a steady and fairly high dosage of tumeric and ginger, which are both apparently very good natural anti-inflammatory agents. So he has in this bottom end of the world island managed to procure some fresh fijian grown tumeric root which he mixes with fresh ginger to make a tea which he drinks .. who would have known?
I learnt about the raspberry pi as well.. now that is something else completely. To return to things organic and growing, the seasons have reached a midpoint and the days are lengthening again. Please notice I did not say the weather is turning.. It has turned for the worse :-) But the seasons are changing and I hope this year to be ahead of the seasons and actually try to plan and plant for the season to come and plant at the earliest time and not at the end of the cycle. I think 2 years have passed and the initial shock has passed and that I can now start searching for seeds again and I can find some heirloom veggies and plant Hoe .. well lets see who this year goes .. as a catalogue we have, the same we, planted broad beans trice to combat dog damage, peas trice again, sweet peas thrice, spinach thrice (i still need to replant again) and we ahve planted the apple tree and removed the flax. I think I may just be ahead of things this year. I think this year we will attempt to grow marrows, tomoatoes and whatever the F^&*^& will grow and doesnt get dug up by our sweetest little shoe and vegetable eating puppy.
On the same note, I saw the puppy I would get if I had the choice and money though. Yes albeit that they cause untold damage and mayhem I would like another sausage dogleton. I will get a long haired or wire haired terrier.
Well time to get back to work and get lunch and all those good things and of course back to thinking about fishing and when i will go again and plan things around that.
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