many hours later, lost track of thought completely, but i need to listen to this,
Van Coke Kartel - Skadu's Teen Die Muur.
it is most amazing.. definitely in my top n pieces, a definite pickup, event though it is a sad song. Strangely makes you feel better. Go figure
something I keep forgetting to follow up on this?
the collapse of geography through technology, techno social interactions
but beyond all of this, the black dog, came he tried but could not stay,
and weeks and weeks later, he came, he did not conquer, I see it lurking in the background.
I question why he comes, I live with him but I prefer to live without him
But i have learnt that when he comes rushing i stand resolute and don't get caught by his wily tricks and games,
but it does take the wind out of my sails
sounds intriguing ..
each turn the Black dogs skulks in the wings, nipping at my heels, i run i jump sometimes in a direction unbeknownst to me just to escape his/her/its dull lifeless grip. I refuse to give up without a fight ;-)
we get caught up in this cycle of life, excuse the pun, i wondered around aimlessly today at lunch like i sometimes do, which in itself is not a bad thing to take a break from my desk and ever exiting ETL coding, which at times, albeit challenging, can be rather inane and pointless in my perspective, no doubt the customers feel different as there is value in what i do juggling zero's and one's around, but in the greater scheme of things i suppose it has value, but it feels like moving a sand pile from one of the beach to the other, at times i can add elaborate grains of beauty en grained and hidden within, at other times it is simply mechanical and serves to give purpose to my day.
But i digress greatly, today not unlike others, i went for an aimless meander along a path i may or may not have walked on before, armed with camera and puffer jacket. I am waiting for the wildweatherandstorms that have been promised us by the godswithintheweatherpages.. but all that remained for me to see was the cold and dreary greyness abounding over the harbour and cityscape. of course I return with many images of moments in time, but more importantly i happened upon an exhibition of photographs by Gregory Crewdson, which were magical and dreamlike,
something amazing to behold in a number of ways, size colour and intensity of image, It is well worthwhile to peruse his images on the interblades, they are not so much photographs are carefully crafted and directed images placed into the fabric of time and reality, in stark contradiction there are other images of fireflies which are random and natural images depicting the life and mating flights of fireflies, the last portion of the exhibition contains images of a deserted movie set, in italy, created by Mussolini. this is haunting, but less disturbing than the hyper reality images the artist has manufactured for his large scale colour images.
these images left me with a sense of wonder an amazement and gave me momentary relief and happiness
and the days flow into a week and time passes through the mist or should I say Mysts of rain from the "weather bomb"
where to return to the thread..
Another day, more lapsang souchon, more deep welling thoughts, feelings of times past, and the future, more mint tea, more of everything, assaulting the senses, assaulting the body in gym, scratching at the surface of humanity digging deeper to get through the skin, stripping through perceptions with
An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire: Arundhati Roy, very hard
and cutting, not sure I agree totally about some things, but
all, but it does indicate a change is necessary, but it doesnt
how? So am rather reading
a god of small things, which by the way is VERY good, or at
the first few hand fulls of pages i have read so far on the
till i forgot the book at home this morning, where well above
average, and apologies to Sally
very comparable to a 100 years of solitude, maybe even better
written, but that might be a translation of the later not the
former, but such well crafted word smithery.. Be as it may, I
would recommend this as a read,
Not because it is happy, but rather but the fabric of life that
is woven by the author through the words painting images in my
so where are we on the list of items to complete, painfully,
I must say not a lot further, but we are at least moving forwards
rather than being stationary,
sometimes i think i am sliding sideways, but at least not going
backwards, but at least not backwards... just keeping ahead of
those Gnashing jaws..
to intersperse, i just looked at the other titles from mizz Roy,
they seem rather extreme, but i may be right, wrong but something
needs to be addressed about some of the issues,
not sure there is a 100% fit in terms of ideas, but hey lets
wait and see
But think it is more important for the short term to focus on other
more important items like;
when am i going to start with the first batch of beer?
oh and i have started growing some mushrooms in the cupboard
(water cupboard, geyser Kas for the Saffricans) .. went on a
on how to do that..
so many other things to get to this weekend, normal market visit,
painting bedroom, ripping up old carpets, foraging, fishing,
building a beach sculpture (getting kids to go with and build it
with me? that might be neigh impossible)
go for a MTB ride with the Good doctor,
crap the words are to few, i wont be able to finish writing before
the weekend gets here at this rate, lest leave ti at that,
oh lest not forget testing the bubble wrap insulation theory?
or the ishnu.. thingiemabobbie emerger patterns that need tying
before summer or spring or lest not forget about the beetle
patterns, wee wets and oom Jensie se Vliee ..
oo kak tyd is min
something i wonder if there is something such as
cumulative doubt, no not debt,
do we create scenarios that do or dont exist through this?
On another tangent completely is you have a couple of hundred years
free you could possibly have a look at one of the worlds last
remaining puzzles or should i say preponderance?
you can even download a pdf copy of this ancient document..
it is super amazing
but back to reality and today, discovered or re-discovered
the soundtrack for suckerpunch, awesome and amazing, maybe
more so because i know it came from the movie and how i enjoyed it.
It was by far and by no means the best movie ever, but a
fantastic concept
sprouted seed bread.
this is a really strange and weird recipe I found on the
interblades, in a search for raw food? I did not quite make the
real hard core sun-dried version, but rather went for the wimpish
version of the bread. In general
it is called Essene bread and is apparently one of the earliest
bread recipes. It is apparently found in the first century Aramaic
manuscript called the "the essene gospel of Peace".
It apparently dates back to prehistoric days. Basically to create this bread, take wheat berries, sprout them (BTW they taste awesome on their own) I substituted 30% of the wheat with some rye.. good choice :-) then mash the sprouting thingies up, add water a little normal flour and yeast and water and salt and the bready is ready to bake .. i see i tried to bake mine to fast then it becomes a rather dangerous beast with which you could harm people... and the second time it was a rather sticky mess.. maybe the 4th time i will get it perfect.. But trying to intersperse it in between living is a challenge, especially if you want to sleep.. I will have to plan better next time.. But i must admit.. the challenge will be to next bake it better, because we all know what else we can make with sprouted wheat and rye and barley? No not that .. that come s from oats .. that is St Anthony's fire .. Or ergot, I would rather stay away from the Claviceps purpurea and rather stick to Saccharomyces cerevisiae or similar.
But that is either next weekend or maybe if we lucky this week some time ...
so many things to do and do ..
mm, I got suddenly very distracted and time was a fleeting and i
never finished this confusing Milieu of Madness, But on a more
cheerfull note I think i might change my internet person and become
Marko Vogonovich,
it makes me sound a little like a slavic musician like boban
markovich orkestar (btw amazing stuff that)..
a little more a little later ..
Thanks Slats for the interesting interview on fox, intriguing:-)
Bringing me back to the here and now, not much left of that. time
to reconsider and map forward the next couple of months ago,
slowly chipping away at things in life ..
One last fleeting thought, no damn what was it? Oh yes the chook
house, we are deeply embroiled(no pun intended) in the benefits or
merits of what kind of Chook house to build at home, or for the
angl saxons out there... a chikin coup.. no Not a coupe?
more on that sooner than later.. But strangely the list of things
on my to do list just does not seem to be getting shorter,
I should be banned from having a pen.
As a post post note, I realised that over time there are things
that remain constant in our lives, in mine they are a fascination
with the following things, not in any particular order at all:
St Anthony's fire,
aboriginal paintings,
nacza lines,
and then i realise i would spend till tomorrow writing this list
down, sound s a little like someone and their notebooks, btw, I
think you should switch to Moleskine notebooks, I would but
they are to pricey and i lose them and i lose favour in using
them i would need to many of them?
I have now switched to a digital cloud based note book. Which
against all odds seems to be the best solution so far, that is
in ten years of attempting this. It is a solution that acts as a
bookmark collection for web pages
note taking software and and.. and you can do this all on the
trial version and then synchronise between multiple devices and
then also synchronise into your mobile phone or smart device or
I would try it .. called evernote.. Slats, if you could get you
backside in gear might work for you?
I was thinking i am not getting enough done on the weekends,
but in retrospect i managed a few things this weekend:
1. fishing twice, once in a new spot, both times in the
sea for a couple of hours each time, catching both times,
2. market on Saturday morning,
3. shopping on Saturday morning,
4. walk up colonial knob,
5. tidy half the garage,
6. Forage for sawdust and wood chips on side of the road, came
back with a boot full, liberate into the garden,
7. sort out my fishing gear,
8. get yeast for flower wine,
9. get more buckets for wine
10. liberate sawdust and wood chips in garden,
11. prune some trees
12. watch a movie with kids,
13. bake bread for the week
14. tidy some of my tool boxes
and a few others, think it was full enough,
So i think the problem is that I sleep to much, I should be
utilising the hours after 10 at night .. am just so damn tired
.. and i don't know why .. why do i need 6 hrs a night ..
would be so much
better if i could do with 4 or 5 hours :-)
so while I sit on the train pondering posting this and seeing someone who looks like someone I know, it then led me to think about what he did, what he is doing,
who he became... and then to extrapolate further about others
and then finally about my self and if I was were it would be
perceived I would be based
on who I was through each decade of my life, through each one
I was significantly different, often in outlook and what I wanted
to achieve and be. this made me think
how there were or are people who are the same as they were at
school and did not change and then there are others who change
all the time and do things?
so where do you classify yourself, in which pile, and how much can we change of our own nature?
this then leads me to consider if I should be doing more than I am, Yes there is a trend developing here ..
I suppose it is because I realise I cannot change the past, undo
it or even redo it... even though there are moments I would like to
relive ..
I doubt I could. but to capitulate would be failure.. we have our
future in our hands .. the present was a moment back's future..
but we cannot escape some of the choices we made, which pushed us
in directions both good and bad, why we decided to move, we know
why, more rhetorically.
recreation comes at a cost which is at times very heavy to bear,
sometimes it is like a huge millstone dragging behind us, at other
times it is as if i never was that person
and then at times that is all who I am. But piece for piece the
broken glass is in the dustbin, it is nice to sit with an open
window facing the weather and the seasons and enduring it all, but
other times I do wish i could fix some of those missing pieces,
But we have moved on both physically and mentally and are no longer
those people.
So What do we have planned for the weekend to come, who knows if
i will be able to achieve it?
and after a week couple tripple Long time of fanning about,
i will just have to post it as is.. else it will never get
posted ..