Yes, unfortunately there was a lapse in my typing words in for a while.. yes lazyness and just plain and simple slapgadgyt..
I had already broken one of my resolutions for the year .. no, no, no, not new years ones .. yes ones that pass me every moment and i find I write them down on a notepad next to me on the Desk .. Unlike Some of you ... Who write them in a notebook in your pocket or lose the notebook.. I tried the notebook.. lose it fast than you can say.. what was I saying again.. Oh yes I should correctify you, when i said notebook I meant a small object around the size of a 30 pack of cigarettes that people used to take notes on the back off.. This object combiens a whole raft of lose pages and binds them in the middle to create something called a book, not to be confused with an ereader or ipad .. and hell no not a portable computer or laptop as it is known in some circles. On a tangent I was at the airport a few weeks back and I saw some moleskine books .. they just looked so awesome and I had to buy myself one for a scribble book.. But hell NO.. not at $9 NZD for a pocket sized book.. landed up buying one at Pete's Emporium (for the afrikanites this is very much like Ruby's combined with plastilon combined with Makuluupaan but with a kiwi flavour and filled with chinese and other cheap items). This book forms part of resolution 2 of 4534653465 resolutions.
To get back to writing this blog again, I read that if you want to be able to write better, you have to write as much as you can all day and not try to write war and piece as your first attempt. The notion is to try and write as many short stories and novella's and the likes .. try for one a day or a week then eventually by the law of the dumb monkey eventually you a. might give up and have nothing to show, b. land up being like the monkey and accidentally channel a story onto paper or c. actually develop a small amount of writing skill.. apparently it is a little like jogging? cannot really see the significance in that, but hey it is better to write and moan and groan than to sit here and do nothing and sulk. At least it will be irritating, entertaining or something of the likes to someone who accidentally finds this blog on Google or the likes when searching for something totally different Like Llamas or sushi or fishing or hells bells something serious.
To get back to the rhinos.. are we doomed as a species to destroy everything around us, don't for a bit think the rhinos are the first or the last to suffer this fate. somehow there is a disconnect between us and the planet we live on. Go read last chance to see, watch the documentary, then go watch the stephen fry revisited documentary. It is saddening how we as humans find it impossible to put things in perspective. I see how we are slowly depleating the seas, we are killing all the animals, we are wanting to frack the crap out of the ground to release oils instead of finding an alternative way of powering and moving ourslelves, we as humans dont seem to be able to break the disconnect between ourselves and this little patch of blue and green in the solar system. Why we cannot have forward thinking governments who actually look into questioning why we need extensive gardens and why we Don't have shared veggie gardens with our neighbors, why we dont have mandatory grey water systems, why we don't all have solar heating and solar electricity for at least a part of what we do, it is a simple thing to promulgate. why we dont have shared chicken cages, shared fish ponds with our neigbors and community members. It is because we are all greedy and worry about ourselves and somehow have forgotten that we are part of the us and the us includes our neigbors and our environment and planet.. But hay you cannot blame people for chasing the green, they jsut chasing the wrong green.
Well that is more than enough ranting for one day, lets hope we can change all of this? Maybe one day we can all have a better life?
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