It had to come at some time or the other my eternal ranting about the way people live on this planet..
Not that there is all that much that I can msuter to do all that much about it .. or is there? I dont really know .. maybe i think to much about it?
where to start with the injustice of the way humans live..?
Think the current peve i have is that we live in a culture now in thiscentury where we live with a financial system that is sentiment rather than value based? why do i say this? what has significantly changed within the economy that i transact in? Nothing really .. lots has happened in the global economy.. but not to much in the south african economy .. other than the external inputs.. but we dont have a sub prime crisis .. but it is the fundimental basis of the economy that is pulling it down.. i know i am not really making to much sense at the moment... but i will try .. note the lower case I.. it may or may not be significant .. think about it ..
pull yourself passed waht is happening int eh global market .. yes there are major problems. .. massive financial problems.. but what has fundamentally changed in terms ofthe vlaue proposition. nothing really unless there was no real value behind the proposition int eh first place.. have we been living on borrowed money for the last 5 years or more? how can our global economy be based on theoretical manifestations .. buying long buying short.. a market that can be manipulated not by the interal value, but rather by the setiment of the buyers or sellers ..
a couple of months ago or maybe more in the south african economy there was a case where certain peple would buy stocks at normal prices and sell single shares .. at a fraction of the value.. was this the buttefly flapping its wing in a well cosntructed fire sale?
who knows .. but in this modern market where automated selling is not allowed but we all know that buying and selling is all driven by formulae of computer programs and simulations that are designed to increase the manipulation of short term or medium term fluctuations in share prices .. creating trends and directions int he markets .. who ahsever heard of futures .. what the hell is that .. futures on futures on futures .. that unwind and destroy a market within minutes and bounce back and plummet .. what is wrong with us?
how can we bet on the fundamentals of our economy how can we let people manipulate our existance like this?
oh well maybe i just dont understand it ..
but to things i do understand ..
why do we punish nature around us ..
why do people pollute rivers ..
this is somethign i cannot understand ?
i am a fisherman .. must be biased.. but how can we pump sewage into our rivers.. and stand buy .. how can we pump detergent insecticides and other chemicals into our rivers in plain daylight?
and the excuses that our sewage systems are overloaded .. why not do something about it .. it costs money .. but money cannot buy our environment back again ..
we are now at the stage where we do actually know how to do things .. no all things .. but many things in a more sustainable way .. we can make a green sewage plant .. we can make things more substainable .. but it desnt make money .. what is money through all of this? it is not happiness. it is not solace.. it is just the evil gue that drives through our society .. I understand we cannot move back to a barter and trade society .. but we can become more sustainable .. or at least try .. or die trying ..
back to the poluting of our rivers and natural environment .. is any amount of money worth destroying lives and futures ..?
the way the first world has rpaed and plundered the third world? all for a couple f dollars .. look at the whole of africa .. it is just ebing destoryed by foreign powers with money targeting despots and despirate people whoa re willing to sell today for no tomorrow.. who is to blame ..
I suppose we all are .. for stnding by and allowing it..
what we can do ? I dont know .. i am only viewing this horror i am no sage .. i cannot point you to a new hope and direction .. and runnign away and living somewhere int eh first world .. may make some sense .. but it wont stop the sytematical destruciton of the third world by the first world powers ?
who knows .. enough ranting on that ..
I think i have time for onw more rant all to be continued a little later ..
why do we sacrifice our cultures for the american or western bemoth of cultural desert that the americans sell to us .. no not that I am syaing those in america are without cuslture .. there are those who are alos being destroyed by the same homogonization .. nice word.. of all of the worlds cultures..
go and have a look at the slow food society .. google it .. and see what they have to say about this ..
goto run .. but will continue my rant tomorrow :-)
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