Saturday, January 2, 2010

a time to resolve?

we all stand here at the beginning of x2k0,

I wonder what did you resolve to do or not to do?

Is it important to have resolved to do or not to do or whatever...

I stand here naked to the world, not really ;-), wondering in the context that you all did or didnt..
on a much important vein or is that vain, they are both important, I saw a most amazing website relating to Land art.. soemthing i have always been fascinated about.. and here it stands .. an art form that is temporal in nature and often, if not always unseen by most ? Beyond this the artist has a commission or grant to do these silent works of art similar to the sound of the wind, trees falling and more ..

go and look at some of his work ( it may or may not resonate at all.. just simply amazing..

beyond that we stand at the cusp of a new year, even though in general terms, it is a continuum with a nominal stasis or hiatus only to be plunged again headlong into the rushing of the perpetual self perpetuation of the insane self instantiated chaos we call our lives in the work place..
Yes in general terms the holiday is over, get back to work..
Sorry to those who could either not physically or mentally extricate themselves from the rigour and mental bonds of their work lives and careers..
Something which should be frowned upon .. which i still believe should be spelled apon?..
but either way we all need our break and holiday ..

ok enbough for now