Recently the need for Pita was overwhelming, I was drawn and driven to make for myself family and friends, but as it would be the holidays where neigh and all purveyors of fine Ghee were closed... and not one of the Super or should i say sad markets had anything even vaguely containing a substitute for Ghee. this left me in a quandry, a curry had been made, albeit a soft one that children could imbibe. I had to make it..
not to even get me started on the imperialistic and oppresive nature of bulk super/quick markets that strip our society of its diversity and texture which we require as a means to an end.
the receipe follows:
flour -- enough to fill half way up your mixing bowl -- suppose about 3-4 cups or more
butter -- a lump
a dash of olive oil
a dash of powered cumin
a dash of salt that i forgot :-) added half way through
then BOILING water
mix till a pastely gewy mixture ensus.. MIX with a spoon
then slowly but surely kneeding .. with extra flour till the glue-ey texture disappears..
then break off 1 1/2 egg size lumps cover with flour .. prepare a surface with sprinkled flour and roll into mostly circular flat pankake like things..
then melt some butter add a little olive oil ..
paint the other side of the roti..
prepare the pan.. heavy cast iorn works well .. not to hot else it burns
oil/ butter in pan ..
pop in da roti and turn when small bubbles appear , turn twice again.. if they appear to dry paint with a little more oil ..
then put on plate covered with a lid to keep moist ..
cook for what seems hours to produce about 25 roti .. damn it takes long ..
reheat in micro before serving for about 45 seconds..
then tuck in..
you may ask why the Roti?
the roti is so awesome, perfect and malleable and yet so simple a metaphor for life.
complex chemical reactions out of simple ingredients. somehow the heat the oil/butter, flour and salt in the hot water seem to create fantastic polymers... the texture is so unlike bread, yet so awesome in taste. This would be the whole without the hole.. there are almot no holes in the whole. yet it is so wholesome? It is not even so heavy, unlike its light cousin the bread, which with holes can be heavy? somewhat of a paradox.
intructions to eat? eat it how you want, for some ethnic authenticity try breaking off pieces and scooping up the food with your hands and eating like that, it changes the perception and perspective of the food, completing the experience. often or not for us pigmentaly challenged individuals we are drawn to creating a wrap with salad and crap.. not to detract from the taste this tastes good, bu not the same.. the other paradoxical thing i have experienced with eating roti.. is that it is best eaten with stewy things with gue and gloop.. but dont forget the rice.. this adds te texture akin to life.
more another day.. just a moment of sharing
from your rambler in life..
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
on ataining success
After giving this a little thought, how do we measure success in life, this may be an old adage, a cliche. But this is a question we are all faced with from the beginning to the end. What defines happiness and success don't always seem to be synch. But i suppose they can be.
but my ramblings are more on the notion of being able to achieve things in timeframes that are realistic and meaningfull. I have begun an internal debate, yes I am a Gemini so I am entitled to have an internal debate ;-) but not to begin to sound like he secret we have to quote to nike -- just do it. but where do we draw the line between what is rationally possible.. and i have something t mention on that concept so park it in the back of your mind, and the that which is classically possible. Not to quote those like Lance or the others who are beyond extreme, what binds us to what we can do and achieve and what we should achieve. Or sould I rather say what is it that holds us back or chains us to the shackles of appathy? what creates that little fear within us? did frank herbet not say in dune that fear is the thing inside us that eats us up. It may not have been him who said it like that, but his rendition of the path that the young duke goes through sticks best in my mind. I suppose this time in all of our lives we are burdened with even more fear, loathing, panic, betrayal and downright insane panic about the state of the world and economics around us. Does this mean because we live in an atrificial construct that we should bow down to a system that has no relevance to our hapiness ( artificially it does) or our ability to achieve things, great and small. I have a belief that we can achieve things, it is only a measurement of the value and success that holds us back from achieving things in our daily life. It is possible as i have seen in some unamed friends and others who live by the lightning and take thought and action to a new level, thought drives action into directions we could never believe we are able to achieve, unless those of us held down by the panic and fear of failure success, rational panic( which I must say is a bad thing int he real of belief in our abilities to achieve that which we dream off...) how many of us live in realms of dark fear and loathing for our lives or the direction we beleave it has gone or the belief that if things had just been different ( plaese understand i do not proclude myself from this toungue lashing). the only thing is that things can be done in a baby steps way.. start small if you cannot go at all ... But there are people who dream big and go large. We all have this ability.
on other things and my dreams...
things that one of my new forced blog spam recipients will have to enlighten us about is contemporary anthropology .. think that si what it is called .. noting that this is only a second hand rendition of what it is about.
on status of our existence, how to emasure that.. wont even go there as this is not for now but later when i get a chance to wollow in self dispare .. not really as this is not something i like participating in.
On my current dreams and aspirations .. nothing new .. but it seems like i am able to now start on the project of a dream. we are now implimenting the initial phases of my hydro aquaponics scheme .. no I wont bore you to tears on this .. but put out a moe technical explanation of what i am going to achieve, but i believe this will hold the potential fo answering my question relating to the possibility of a household to be able to survive the impending world food crisis.
On another note completely i went to a scrap yard yesterday, this is a place of dreams. Do yourself the favour and go, get soemone to take you if you fear the unknown, but GO .. and see what treasures lie between the rubble .. things you will need to find your dream... but leave your wallet behind :-) cos it can be expensive ... or take it with and indulge .. this may or may not relate to all that manyn of you .. but use it dont use it (DJ F)...
but that is eough crap and rambling for the moment .. it ahs come to my notice that my blogging ghas at least been elavated to toilet reading for som people .. hey but that is at least a start .. :-)
but my ramblings are more on the notion of being able to achieve things in timeframes that are realistic and meaningfull. I have begun an internal debate, yes I am a Gemini so I am entitled to have an internal debate ;-) but not to begin to sound like he secret we have to quote to nike -- just do it. but where do we draw the line between what is rationally possible.. and i have something t mention on that concept so park it in the back of your mind, and the that which is classically possible. Not to quote those like Lance or the others who are beyond extreme, what binds us to what we can do and achieve and what we should achieve. Or sould I rather say what is it that holds us back or chains us to the shackles of appathy? what creates that little fear within us? did frank herbet not say in dune that fear is the thing inside us that eats us up. It may not have been him who said it like that, but his rendition of the path that the young duke goes through sticks best in my mind. I suppose this time in all of our lives we are burdened with even more fear, loathing, panic, betrayal and downright insane panic about the state of the world and economics around us. Does this mean because we live in an atrificial construct that we should bow down to a system that has no relevance to our hapiness ( artificially it does) or our ability to achieve things, great and small. I have a belief that we can achieve things, it is only a measurement of the value and success that holds us back from achieving things in our daily life. It is possible as i have seen in some unamed friends and others who live by the lightning and take thought and action to a new level, thought drives action into directions we could never believe we are able to achieve, unless those of us held down by the panic and fear of failure success, rational panic( which I must say is a bad thing int he real of belief in our abilities to achieve that which we dream off...) how many of us live in realms of dark fear and loathing for our lives or the direction we beleave it has gone or the belief that if things had just been different ( plaese understand i do not proclude myself from this toungue lashing). the only thing is that things can be done in a baby steps way.. start small if you cannot go at all ... But there are people who dream big and go large. We all have this ability.
on other things and my dreams...
things that one of my new forced blog spam recipients will have to enlighten us about is contemporary anthropology .. think that si what it is called .. noting that this is only a second hand rendition of what it is about.
on status of our existence, how to emasure that.. wont even go there as this is not for now but later when i get a chance to wollow in self dispare .. not really as this is not something i like participating in.
On my current dreams and aspirations .. nothing new .. but it seems like i am able to now start on the project of a dream. we are now implimenting the initial phases of my hydro aquaponics scheme .. no I wont bore you to tears on this .. but put out a moe technical explanation of what i am going to achieve, but i believe this will hold the potential fo answering my question relating to the possibility of a household to be able to survive the impending world food crisis.
On another note completely i went to a scrap yard yesterday, this is a place of dreams. Do yourself the favour and go, get soemone to take you if you fear the unknown, but GO .. and see what treasures lie between the rubble .. things you will need to find your dream... but leave your wallet behind :-) cos it can be expensive ... or take it with and indulge .. this may or may not relate to all that manyn of you .. but use it dont use it (DJ F)...
but that is eough crap and rambling for the moment .. it ahs come to my notice that my blogging ghas at least been elavated to toilet reading for som people .. hey but that is at least a start .. :-)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
a picture of my veggie garden
another subtext
For all those on my spam list, I must admit I may have taken liberties in adding you to my list, please feel free to unsubscribe, by posting me an email and i will remove you from the email spam list.
on the society for the preservation of our minds and happiness
This is something we seldom think about, rather stressing away at the daily grind and the jobs we do, bringing me back to the old adage of work to live and not live to work. That si for those of us unfortunate enough to be able to partake in a form of employment that does not give us self fulfillment. It is an old enough challenge .. that is is in the current milieu or paradigm that we exist in, where life is no longer that which we live. In times gone past life was around different things, living, surviving. Our daily existence had more to do with life than an abstract representaiton of it. For the most of us, please exclude yourself if you do not feel this is aimed at You!! , we worry about the worrying and lessthan abstract nature of life and get caught up in the marketing contruct we call society. How many of you ever wonder .. I am sure you do.. that why am I doing this?
and this is not meant to wallow in dispare (cannot for the life of me spell that word), but to ather recap and rethink what it is that we call life, And No this is not meant as a seed for your midlife crisis, life is real and their are constraints relating tot he way you have lived your life so far and the way that you and circumstance has carved itsway through the watercourse of life. Accept that which is, change that which you can, strive to find happiness and inner peace through everythign you do. Sounds like a ripe lot of crap, but i believe it. It think, at least at this stage in my mind that it is possible to do this.
On a more abstract thought, somthing i will continue shortly , but household chores calll me away is to question what is the interaction and boundry between the conscious and subconsciousmind?
and this is not meant to wallow in dispare (cannot for the life of me spell that word), but to ather recap and rethink what it is that we call life, And No this is not meant as a seed for your midlife crisis, life is real and their are constraints relating tot he way you have lived your life so far and the way that you and circumstance has carved itsway through the watercourse of life. Accept that which is, change that which you can, strive to find happiness and inner peace through everythign you do. Sounds like a ripe lot of crap, but i believe it. It think, at least at this stage in my mind that it is possible to do this.
On a more abstract thought, somthing i will continue shortly , but household chores calll me away is to question what is the interaction and boundry between the conscious and subconsciousmind?
Monday, December 15, 2008
something different
I suppose the time for wallowing in the depth and darkness of the global recession or depression are over now. we now have to find ways to find ourselves post disaster, not that for most of you this was a real disaster. WE should view our lives with a little healthy introspection to view with happiness what we have, a roof over our heads, food on the table. But this does not eman we should give up the fight for life, our lives are even more important now. there is no time for wallowing in self pity, feeling down and sad. this is but a new begining that we should all have to go through. on the lighter side fuel costs are down by more than 30% and they are dropping .. wghat does that mean .. ROADTRIP...
How many of us are couped up in our abodes fearing the unknown. I suspect that now more than ever is a time for us to look introspectivly and not be depressed. It is a time to look inwards and seek meaning in that which is around us. I sat watching a really classical piece of film. a chinese kung foo movie. I had to listen to a piece 3 times. These heavily translated super energetic movies have value beyond the obvious. i watched a scene where two of the kung foo masters where drinking tea. The one was discussing the value of various kinds of tea and professing how certain teas are better than others and a and and. whereas the other mast responded that tea drinking is a mood and that the tea and the experience was more related to the mood of the person appreciating the tea and not the quality of the tea. .. I am masively editing this. go and watch fearless.. it is amazing for the one scene in the movie .. the rest is not as spiritual for me at least.
but to go back at least a week in thoughts......
I was noticing that the bulk of us have been gripped in a global panic and fear we are all suffering from insane fear and loathing for the future to come close to quoting that dude. But what in essence has changed in our lives other the fundimental basis of our economy, which we all knew was rotten to the core.. now it is just happened .... all of us as part time soothsayers all saw it comming.. no one ever foresaw the immensity and implications thereof. for thsoe ofus who have jobs, keep them and carry on for thsoe who have lost there jobs, tiems are hard, but in adversity we find ourselves. Often adversity is not a pleasant thing. But it does give us the space, or lack of space to see ourselves in a new context. It also gives us the opportunity to take life by the horns. yes it is difficult, but through adversity the highest level of innovation and invention comes from within us. Best we not sit on our laurels, because tomorrow could beworse, or better. But let us not wallow in the panic of today. Look forward and find a new tomorrow. Often life does not allow us the path we believed we would follow. Things are never as we wanted them. No matter how much we visualize theperfect secret like future.. this does not mean we must dispell our positive thoughts, but rather that we must aim forwards and find the rainbow.
deep in my bones the need for a serious raod trip to places i have but imagined has welled up again. there are places that we have never been to or seen that often define our personalities. On the whole most of us define ourselves on hopes we never really endevour to chase or even get to, and wallow in midlife crisis and never do anything about them. This does not mean we must depart from the reality of our existence. But if our existence is not what it should be then we must change it. But with the reality of the implications thereof... all garble and rambling i know. take heed dont take heed.. it is your life live it.. or as a firend of ours says .. go nike ... just do it :-)
more seemingly random rambling by me ....
enjoy the festive season.
How many of us are couped up in our abodes fearing the unknown. I suspect that now more than ever is a time for us to look introspectivly and not be depressed. It is a time to look inwards and seek meaning in that which is around us. I sat watching a really classical piece of film. a chinese kung foo movie. I had to listen to a piece 3 times. These heavily translated super energetic movies have value beyond the obvious. i watched a scene where two of the kung foo masters where drinking tea. The one was discussing the value of various kinds of tea and professing how certain teas are better than others and a and and. whereas the other mast responded that tea drinking is a mood and that the tea and the experience was more related to the mood of the person appreciating the tea and not the quality of the tea. .. I am masively editing this. go and watch fearless.. it is amazing for the one scene in the movie .. the rest is not as spiritual for me at least.
but to go back at least a week in thoughts......
I was noticing that the bulk of us have been gripped in a global panic and fear we are all suffering from insane fear and loathing for the future to come close to quoting that dude. But what in essence has changed in our lives other the fundimental basis of our economy, which we all knew was rotten to the core.. now it is just happened .... all of us as part time soothsayers all saw it comming.. no one ever foresaw the immensity and implications thereof. for thsoe ofus who have jobs, keep them and carry on for thsoe who have lost there jobs, tiems are hard, but in adversity we find ourselves. Often adversity is not a pleasant thing. But it does give us the space, or lack of space to see ourselves in a new context. It also gives us the opportunity to take life by the horns. yes it is difficult, but through adversity the highest level of innovation and invention comes from within us. Best we not sit on our laurels, because tomorrow could beworse, or better. But let us not wallow in the panic of today. Look forward and find a new tomorrow. Often life does not allow us the path we believed we would follow. Things are never as we wanted them. No matter how much we visualize theperfect secret like future.. this does not mean we must dispell our positive thoughts, but rather that we must aim forwards and find the rainbow.
deep in my bones the need for a serious raod trip to places i have but imagined has welled up again. there are places that we have never been to or seen that often define our personalities. On the whole most of us define ourselves on hopes we never really endevour to chase or even get to, and wallow in midlife crisis and never do anything about them. This does not mean we must depart from the reality of our existence. But if our existence is not what it should be then we must change it. But with the reality of the implications thereof... all garble and rambling i know. take heed dont take heed.. it is your life live it.. or as a firend of ours says .. go nike ... just do it :-)
more seemingly random rambling by me ....
enjoy the festive season.
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