Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a real definition for a singularity

seems like i missed some of this :-)

A singularity means a point where some property is infinite. For example, at the center of a black hole, according to classical theory, the density is infinite (because a finite mass is compressed to a zero volume). Hence it is a singularity. Similarly, if you extrapolate the properties of the universe to the instant of the Big Bang, you will find that both the density and the temperature go to infinity, and so that also is a singularity. It must be stated that these come due to the breaking down of the classical theory. As yet, there is no theory of quantum gravity, but it is entirely possible that the singularities may be avoided with a theory of quantum gravity.
February 2002, Jagadheep D. Pandian (more by Jagadheep D. Pandian)

the naked singularity and human race

Not sure if the title makes to much sense to me, but it was a phrase that has been in my head for the last few days. After a lot of thought it continues to be oxymoronic, but yet still makes sense. I mulled over it for a few days and have come to the conclusion that in this context it is valid from my perspective (sic!).
what is a singularity? A black whole something that implodes into itself, pulling everything into it into a void of nothingness, albeit very small :-) It may not really apply to humans in the most literal form, but we as humans do tend to be on a course to implosion. But this may not be as bad a thing as we think, I suspect the human race has gone through this specific chanin of vents more times than can be counted, the only difference being that int eh past that there was almost allways a cultural bias. The romans fell a similar way, soceity being collapsed by the course of its destiny. think the only difference is the scale of current demise of Civilization (sic!). currently the Western de-civilization appears to be at the forefont of the demise, or be it the culture of capitalism.

but on a more cheery note it is rainign outside and from the downfall comes the evidant grapple out of the dark deapths a and the regrowh of a new day.

well that is enough for now :-)

so barack brings a new day to america, can he turn things around?

And back to my veggie garden, it seems like it is growing against all odds and it appears after significant persiverance that all the pests seem to be under some form of bio-logical control, for the moment at least. the ext fronteir is the eventual foray in aqua culture and hydroponics as an intelectual excersize. well that is why the fishing is slow :-) and of course the return of the scurge of the chickens .. now there is a challenge.
i wonder a lot if it would be possible for society to be able to return to some form of self sufficiency or barter trade?

saw two amazing articles on the net over the last few days, the mud house in muzenburg in cape town where the neighbours are compaining ? go figure
and the discovery of the fungus that can create diesel or at elast biodiesel .. emans they will just chop down more trees :-)
insane stuff.